Really? I’ve never heard that before. My family has had like 8 different C900s, and none of them but mine ever had a shifter problem. Transmission problems, sure, they’re infamous for that. My dad grenaded his transmission at 350k.
Really? I’ve never heard that before. My family has had like 8 different C900s, and none of them but mine ever had a shifter problem. Transmission problems, sure, they’re infamous for that. My dad grenaded his transmission at 350k.
It was a ‘91 Saab 900. It didn’t break anywhere I would expect a shifter to break, it was where the bottom of the shaft transitions into the attachment point. All I can figure is it was some sort of flaw in the casting, because I did not drive the car hard enough to stress the metal that hard. The previous owner didn’t…
Oh yeah, I love that one too.
He plays Newt like someone who’s autistic, and possibly ace, and when someone asks him if that was a deliberate acting choice, Redmayne responds no, he was just going for awkward nerd. I dunno if Eddie’s just a bad actor or if this was a failure on the writers/director to properly characterise Newt, but it adds an…
I find HBP really annoying to watch because almost the whole thing has an awful sepia filter over it, like the post-production was done on Instagram. Some of the scenes are so yellow and fuzzy I feel like I’m watching it through a pair of glasses smeared with butter.
One night in college I was coming home from getting groceries, and while trying to pull away from a traffic light, the shifter sheared off its base. Somehow it managed to break in neutral, but luckily it was downhill and there was a gas station at the bottom of the hill, and I was just barely able to coast into the…
I’ll never understand these convertible pics where only the rear windows are up. It looks so stupid.
Whatever anyone says about the show, it still has the single coolest spaceship sequence I’ve ever seen.
But. . . it’s ugly.
At this point, saying “the TSA is worthless security theatre” is like saying “water is wet.” It goes without saying.
The guys who built Series Is in the Land Rover Assembly Shed probably looked at that and said “blimey, don’t insult us like that.”
I still have my Halo 3 shirt—proudly advertised by Bungie as the first official piece of Halo 3 merch ever released—and it’s mint. Though it was a sickly brown colour even when new, so I’m not sure anyone would say that it actually looks good.
There’s a “lost freight” place near me that had one of these. I had no idea what it was at the time, and by the time I discovered what it was, it had been sold. Nowhere near this good a condition, though (all the Domino’s graphics were gone, which really slowed down the identification), and I have no idea how it made…
The car automatically playing “calming” music would just enrage me even more.
I thought of that, but for RWNJs, grifting is like breathing, so I assume these loons have a network of supporters giving them enough pocket change and canned food to survive indefinitely. The convoy is probably a great outlet for the preppers who need to rotate out the about-to-expire MRE stockpiles in their bunkers.
As my mother would say, “these people have too much time on their hands.”
I loved Odyssey and Origins (I bought Valhalla recently but haven’t downloaded it yet), but one of my biggest gripes was how easy it was to climb stuff. With the mild exception of the Great Pyramids, you basically held the climb button and pointed up. In the old games, the major landmarks were climbable, but it took…