Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

The ‘59 Cadillac is peak style, American or otherwise. It’s insane that a car like this was mass produced.

I’m giving you a star solely for the C2.

You have to remember that Trump never listens to his lawyers, never pays them, and is constantly incriminating himself because he leaks evidence like a baby leaks diarrhea out of their diaper. He’s absolutely radioactive as a client. No legitimate lawyer will take him on, so his pool of prospective lawyers consists

I dunno, I always go limp when Andy is in the room.  Luckily they have pills for that.

Now playing

Will there be artists at all? My money is on “weird AI bullshit.” Can’t wait for a quarterback’s foot to get caught and the whole player model goes haywire.

we all have to admit streaming is here to stay

My bet is he’s talking about something like a Deagle. Not-so-coincidentally, the only people who think hip-firing a Deagle is something to brag about are 12 year olds whose only experience with guns is playing CoD.

“All hat and no cattle,” as they say.

I hope they “reinvent” smartphones by bringing back physical keyboards.  Soooo much better than typing on a touchscreen, plus the keyboard doesn’t block anything on the screen.

I hope Yaccarino is being paid well to dynamite her career and reputation, and has a nice big golden parachute for when Elon finally pushes her off the glass cliff.

The Venator is my favourite capital ship in Star Wars, but I have neither the money nor the coffee table-sized display case to put it in.  God I wish I was rich. . .

I only know him as Dumbledore, and whatever your thoughts about JKR or the quality of her writing, the Harry Potter franchise was a major part of my childhood and I’ll always remember Gambon fondly for his role in it.  Guy was a good Dumbledore.

Man, I miss the old Gawker.

A supercharged litre bike sounds like a great way to see how far you can embed bone shards into the nearest tree trunk.

I commuted by bicycle to my college campus because the student parking lot was almost as far away as my house. In the spring/fall I arrived to class sweaty, in the winter with numb extremities, and during storms of any kind I was soggy.  With weather only getting more extreme by the year, that experience will only get

Is there a bigger line of bullshit than a CEO saying “I’m not even getting paid”?

I haven’t seen this problem before, but these sites are barely functional anymore, so. . . probably broken in exciting new ways again.

Don’t forget that Trump is petty and vindictive and never, ever lets go of a grudge. He now has a VERY long list of people who wouldn’t go along with his coup, and was just a few days ago promising revenge against news organisations who accurately report on his crimes. We’re talking about a man who had to be talked

These are minor issues that have already been solved. We’re talking about putting some posts into the ground and putting lightweight panels on top, not building a skyscraper on swamp land. This is a proven concept used across the country, it’s just a matter of encouraging people/companies to build more of them. The

It’d be easier to list the cars that aren’t ugly.