Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Exactly what I thought of.

All the time.  6 more months and the comments probably won’t work at all.

Ah yes, rap music, the perfect way to appeal to old white bigots.  Brilliant campaign move.

Every screenshot I see of this thing looks like a GTA-style parody.  Kinda like Spaceballs, but more mean-spirited, like a teenager’s idea of what would make Star Wars edgy.  I’m fully expecting to see a Twi’lek with 3 exposed boobs.

“It is being led by a group of architects and planners interested in building livable and sustainable communities, not typical developers.”

Buying my first car when going off to college. I got a ‘91 Saab 900 for only $900. Black over tan interior, stick, absolute stripper, the only option was a factory spoiler. It was wonderful.

I’m eager for Starfield to release so we can focus properly on ES6.

Anybody in the art or marketing world that doesn’t know what AI art is or how to recognise it is so out of touch they shouldn’t have a job in the first place. AI “art,” especially stuff with mistakes this obvious, doesn’t just happen. It’s either a deliberate choice, or extreme incompetence at multiple levels for

We’re talking about Amazon here, the company that doesn’t let workers take bathroom breaks and uses an algorithm to automatically fire workers they consider too inefficient.  I see no reason to give them any benefit of the doubt.  Bezos probably jizzed in his pants when he first heard about this new AI thing that

The only one being dumb here is you, who keeps bringing up some hypothetical scenario where the guy was deliberately mowing down pedestrians.  That’s not what happened.  Quit making shit up in order to justify the cop’s actions.

Firstly, he was fleeing the cops, not deliberately mowing down pedestrians, so I have no idea what you’re going on about.

Crashing people turns them and their vehicles into uncontrolled missiles, so that only increased the danger to bystanders.  It could’ve been a person and not a tree that the guy was splattered against.

Throwing things at motorcyclists to intentionally crash them is even more dangerous and unpredictable than leaving them be. Bystanders are MORE likely to be injured in that situation.

This is the exact same logic domestic abusers use when they beat their partner. “Look what you made me do.” Oh, and guess what, cops are statistically overrepresented as domestic abusers. Funny how that works out.

What bugged me was when he said “I’m not tempering your expectations properly if you’re asking about ES6 and not Starfield.  All that did was make me hate Starfield for being in the way of the game I actually care about.

A lot of the newer movies are just. . . too complicated. Not in the sense that they they don’t do enough hand-holding for the audience, or that they’re weighed down with too much lore from other movies, but because it seems like the plot wasn’t finalised until they got to the cutting room. They’ve become just a series

Solo was pretty fun when it wasn’t explaining the origin of every aspect of Han, from his blaster to his last name.  So. . . roughly half the runtime.

All my money was on “mauled by war dolphin.”

Oh man, that describes so many of my best gaming memories.

I’ve literally never seen it spelled any other way.