Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

I thought you were done responding, tough guy? You clearly give lots of shits.

I’m tired of neutrality being held up as some flawless ideal for all situations.  Sometimes it’s OK, necessary even, to pick a goddamn side.

This is what happens when you fire most of your workers.  Turns out they did actually do important work.

The way Republicans talk, you’d think we were actively at war with China.  Any day now I expect they’ll just start chanting “TikTok is treason.”

I still think Rey should’ve been a gender-swapped Luuke. It would easily explain why Luke’s/Anakin’s lightsaber would call to her, still tie into Palps cloning projects, and her being a “nobody” or Force royalty are both true, depending on your point of view.  Plus it would’ve spared us having to ask “does Sheev fuck?”

The original selling point for Resistance was that it was about a bunch of starfighter racers, and the main character would be doing some spy stuff on the side/in the background. Then in the show there’s like 3 episodes total where the racing is anything remotely relevant to the plot. And the spy, the New Republic’s

“The response you get from X if you’re a liberal and want to keep the block feature ... vs ... the response you get from X if you’re a conservative and say the exact same thing.”

I saw one of these street parked a few weeks ago. I knew they were rare, but not 4k rare. The survival rate can’t be very good, either. A work truck with a cheap convertible top? If it’s not from the SW or garage kept, it probably rusted from the inside out.

I had to scroll way too far to find Monte Carlo Yellow.

I think it’s supposed to be a piece of string.  I think the connection would be stronger if they included a spool, but maybe they were worried it would look too much like a sewing app.  Both the logo and the name seem like placeholders.

That was my first thought.  How many unique listeners has it had vs. MAGA chuds playing it on a loop 24/7?

Ragnarok was great, but in L & T he turned Thor into a one man Three Stooges act. If he gets to do another, Taika will probably have him repeatedly whack himself in the face by stepping on a series of space rakes.

Why is the OK knob surrounded by deer whistles?

I can roll with some pretty janky stuff, but by the time they use the keys to open a portal to the wesen dimension, I was like, what happened to this show.

It’s a channel on Dish. One of those cheap retro ones that makes good background noise. SG-1 (but strangely no Atlantis), Grimm, Buffy, X-Files, etc. Then late at night I switch to H & I, which runs a Star Trek block from TOS to Enterprise.

That reminds me, Comet has started airing re-runs of Grimm.  It kinda falls apart in the final season, but what a fun show.

Just because you missed the point, doesn’t mean there isn’t one.

Yeah, so? I just find it hilarious when every time there’s an article that mentions porn, people crawl out of the woodwork to say “bUt WhAt AbOuT tHe ChIlDrEn” as though this is a fucking Disney site.