Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

Nine or ten patches in there will still be unadressed bugs you need the community made patch for.

Bruh.  A literal porn blog used to be part of the Gawker network.

In most situations that’s true, but film sets have their own rules because they’re doing things a lot differently. You’re also not supposed to point a gun at anything you aren’t willing to kill/destroy, but that rule obviously isn’t going to work on a movie set. That’s why there’s an armourer whose entire job it is to

Jerks Gently.

Only if they feed ALL books through it.  The incest alone should put the bible on the ban list.

The only “aspiring farmers” who live off the grid in the woods are guys trying to grow pot.

Can’t wait for the big exposé in 6 months about how people were crunching extra hardcore in order to make the launch look non-crunchy.

Edged weapons? Way too quick. Blunts only, no headshots.

“Both sides serve the same master, and that master is not someone of any good to the people of this country”

I’ve definitely had that thought with Discovery a few times (the asteroid slalom, the chase with the butterfly people, the dilithium planet), but at the same time, I’m glad to see an alien life form that’s actually alien, and not an iguana wearing makeup. Or a planet that we actually see the surface of, instead them

Everything GM did to Saab.

The AIs will kill us all, not because they gain sentience and rebel, but because they can’t tell the difference between the Anarchist Cookbook and an actual cookbook.

It’s not like they’re ever gonna play in Malaysia again anyways, so they’ve got no incentive to pay.

There are reality shows other than Real Housewives.

I remember playing the Prisoner of Azkaban game and thinking “I wish I could make my own student and just dick around a massive open world Hogwarts.”  Now they’ve finally done it and. . . all my interest has been ruined by JKR revealing herself to be a Terf Eater.

Early SG-1 is a little wonky, but it’s shockingly consistent and good for a show that lasted 10 seasons. Their 200th special is also one of the funniest episodes of anything I’ve seen.

“It’s only been three weeks... three out of four in our user community feel good, a lot of them feel great about the rebrand. They live with us, it’s habitual, they know what we’re about, they know where we’re going.”

I actually have no problem believing he cares about trans people’s fertility—at least the white ones. Don’t forget he’s obsessed with declining birthrates. It’s all thinly veiled “great replacement” bullshit.

I see this sentiment a lot, but how much of that was a deliberate attempt to be cerebral, and how much was just not having the time/money to make the special effects convincing? There’s been a lot of times watching TNG where there’s some action-y thing happening just offscreen, and we either only see someone on the

My favourite Star- ends with -gate.