Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

A lot of people claim to be sex positive when all they really want is to see some more tits. It’s much harder for them to support a woman’s agency to say “I don’t want to show my tits anymore.”

Prioritising her mental health and happiness over maximising her monthly income is something not enough people practice in our capitalist hellscape.  Too many people burn themselves out, even commit suicide, because they have a Ferengi-like obsession with profit above all else.

That “indoor barn” reminds me of the Unabomber’s hut getting turned into a museum display.

Nope, the R1T. The bed quarters are one piece from the rear to the top of the windshield.

I liked the Rivian too, until I learned that fixing on a dent on the rear quarter involved taking half the truck apart, including the goddamn headliner.

I’m convinced that when Muskrat proposed his insane exoskeleton idea, some poor engineer had to explain that the body panels would have to be as thick as military armour plating for the body to even hold its shape.  Instead of recognising the stupidity of that idea, he instead asked if they could make the windows that

It’s stupider than that. He thinks that the human body is born with a finite supply of “life energy,” like a battery, and that exercise will deplete it faster.

There was a Guardian article that tallied up all the wage increases being requested, and it came up to like $500 million. Compared to over $200 billion in profit across the industry, that equates to half a percent. That’s all the hit in profits they’d need to take in order to end the strikes.

Probably the latter. Don’t forget she likes to drink her boyfriend’s blood.

In other stupid twit news, Muskrat announced he’ll pay the legal fees of anyone treated “unfairly” for the things they post/like on Twitter.

OMG, did we go to the same high school?

OK, Pence.

Last time I flew, the stewardess dumped half a cup of coffee down my back without even noticing. After being alerted to the problem, I was given a single napkin to mop it up with.  :/

People that get banned from WeChat basically have their lives crippled.  That’s Elon’s real endgame.  He wants to build an everything app so that once everyone is on it, he can ruin the lives of his enemies by dropping the banhammer.

They also keep slaves on US soil, too. Some of them work on motorcycles in Tom Cruise’s garage.

“ultra high-powered vehicles,” which it defines as any car that makes at least 275 kW per 1000 kg. Or, in units that Americans can actually understand, about 336 hp per ton.

That’s my favourite Tom Petty song!

Anybody that bought Twitter and simply didn’t fire all the people who keep it running would be a thousand times better businessperson than Elongated Muskrat.

Don’t make any sudden movements or loud noises, don’t make direct eye contact, just back away slowly. . . it’s insane that dealing with cops is like dealing with aggressive wild animals.

I don’t understand how Shark Cards continue to increase in sales. There’s so many easy ways to make money now in GTA Online, you don’t need them.  The game has come a long way from the days of grinding contact missions and survivals.