Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

You could already refuse to make a KKK website, because “raging bigot” is not a protected class like race, gender, or sexuality.

A sentient program makes it out to the real world?  That’s literally the end of Legacy.  They’re replacing Olivia Wilde with Jared fucking Leto?  Is that what Disney thinks Tron needs, some fucking Morbin’ Time?  JFC.

Reminds of that thing about fucking a sheep ironically.  No matter why you did it, at the end of the day you’re still a sheep fucker.

So when the internet goes out, your computer turns into a giant paperweight?  What a spectacularly stupid idea.

Where’s Triss?

This is why as soon as OnStar became a thing I vowed to never buy a new car. Vehicles these days are just rolling spyware.

I’d put the i8 there, too, with the rear bumper that’s shitting out a Porsche bumper.

Farley is just a big Catcher in the Rye fan, and what he meant is that Tesla stans are a bunch of phonies.

It did. They even had “extra” lifeboats, more than they were required to have. The problem is that it still wasn’t nearly enough to have seats for everyone on board.  The law was poorly written, and the Titanic was so much larger than anything else built at that point that it totally eclipsed the max requirements.

“It made the dive 3 times” is not the same as “safe.” According to the whistleblower’s lawsuit, the viewport was only rated to 1000 meters—a quarter of the depth they were actually going. That they made the trip and survived even once was a miracle. This sub was just a suicide machine.

Are you having a seizure?  Do I need to call someone?

Given all we’ve learned about the shoddy construction of the sub, I highly doubt that running out of air is a concern.

The front viewport was also only rated to 1000 meters. Windows are already a major weak point on a submarine, but using one only rated for a quarter of your planned operating depth is just plain suicidal.

Twitter is run by Eric Cartman.

Real life is now a South Park episode and twitter is run by Eric Cartman.

The essence of life.

I wouldn’t even consider living anywhere with an HOA.  Fuck them all to hell.

She could easily come back as a figment of Jon’s imagination, a manifestation of guilt for killing his auntie-queen-lover.

People that care about that kind of thing will have a mod list 100 deep of graphical overhauls and 4k texture packs that would melt the average spec computer.

As usual, the call is coming from inside the GOP’s house.