Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

The quotes do say enough.  QT sounds like Muskrat whining that remote work isn’t real work, or your grandfather complaining that it’s not real news unless it was printed in a newspaper.  Real “old man yells at cloud” stuff.

Hey, I’m 6'3" and can drive my NB just fine.  Just gotta slouch a little.

She also admitted she hadn’t actually read the book, and has been photographed at white supremacist rallies.  An all-around shit person.

It’s a DB11 with a bigger, stupider grille.

How disappointing. Maybe in another decade Bungie will finally make some SP content again.

Because she’s supposed to be poor/a socialist/a minority/etc., which in the GOP world means being miserable every moment of every day. So if she’s having fun at any point, it must mean she’s a lying faker.

Isn’t the average mass shooting rate greater than 1 per day now? It’s like remembering the anniversary of ice melting in the Arctic.

DeSatan’s feud with Disney is all the proof I need that “smarter Trump” is a myth. He might not be stupid in the same ways Trump is, but he’s equally moronic and doesn’t even have Trump’s special brand of MAGAt-charisma.  He’ll crash and burn on the national stage.

I used to think the Ferengi were an extreme caricature of capitalist pigs, but the GOP of the last few years has made them look tame.

Any notions of intelligence flew out the window the minute he picked a fight with Disney. They’ve played him for a fool ever since. And he’s got a gerrymandered statehouse full of fellow dipshit extremists that’ll gleefully rubberstamp any culture wars bullshit he puts in front of them. That might play well with the

If cows are the problem, I fully support drivers dowsing themselves in human breast milk.

Crow has been bossing an SC justice around for so long that he thinks he can do the same thing to Congress.

Is there any live action remakes anybody would actually like to see? I’d like for them to give Treasure Planet a try. With GotG possibly done and Star Wars movies in a rut, Disney could use a good sci-fi epic.

Hobbes and Shaw was just as stupid/fun as any Fast & Furious movie. . . but that macho posturing shit on the plane was maximum cringe.  It was like listening to two 12 year olds trying to trash talk each other in a CoD lobby.

I’ve been using OpenOffice ever since. . . Vista came out, I think? Microsoft completely wrecked Word’s UI and I never used it again.

Disney re-releases movies from “The Vault” every couple of years.  They could easily do the same for their shows.

Disney+ is useless to me because I can’t get internet that can support streaming. If they offered their Star Wars and Marvel shows on disc, they could’ve made several hundred dollars off of me by now.

Sounds like Skooma Steve, and now I’m imagining a bunch of Khajiit selling crap out of a Sandcrawler.

So does Paramount.

Streaming is great for people who have internet that can support it.  I don’t, which is why I have a stack of new Star Trek BluRays.  If Disney bothered releasing stuff on disc, they could’ve made way more money off of me than they could have ever gotten from a streaming subscription.