Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

I want to be excited for this, I really do, but I still primarily think of it as “that thing in the way of Elder Scrolls 6.”

Yeah, I can’t wait to hear the Christo-fascists whine about godless heathen scientists.  I’m sure they’ll have some truly deranged reasoning how this is proof of society collapsing.

Wow, these are some quality cosplays.

I don’t see how painting the letter is functionally different from putting a tarp over it.  Either way he’s changing the way the sign reads.  Elon’s probably grinning stupidly, thinking he’s so clever for this technicality, meanwhile the landlord is sighing and preparing to send the same email again.

Except they checked to make sure nobody else was around.

It looks like a GTA knockoff of a BMW. And not even one of the good ones, but a really lazy one that was done on a Friday afternoon because the new DLC has 9 cars and they realised they only made 8.

That always bugged me. Voldemort and his cronies are trying to murder everyone in the school, and all the faculty and students of the other 3 houses just assume they’re all on the Death Eaters’ side?

Here’s some Carlo Bugatti furniture, which I’d much rather have than this basic-looking bauble.

This is why, since the earliest days of OnStar, I’ve refused to buy any car with any such systems.  It’s all spyware, and companies always abuse it.

and finally the bring the X-wing into the Ultimate Collector Series family.

Eric probably thinks it’s real.

This is why I laugh whenever someone says Ron Dimwittis is like Trump but smart. Disney played this fool hard and he never even saw it coming. It was obvious to me that Disney was planning *something* when they didn’t even object to his petty power play. Mega-corporations don’t ever just roll over like that.

Hey, that looks like my local mall—oh shit, it is!

Nobody said anything about banning the books or barging into your home and taking your art.  The problem is entirely about how she uses her profits to fund bigots and their bigot causes and bigot legislation.

Musk calling anyone’s twitter feed “diarrhea” is the height of projection.  The guy spends all day long talking shit.  I dunno how he finds enough time to even pretend to run Tesla or SpaceX.  He just tweets bad ideas and then his lackeys have to scramble to implement them or else get fired.

Aircraft/bomber style. Bare metal, rivets, brown leather, that kind of stuff.

Am I the only one that doesn’t want Krakoa to end?

I’ll never own anything new enough for this to matter to me, but everything I’ve ever read about CarPlay and Android Auto is that they’re vastly better than any of the shitty proprietary OEM systems.  GM wants more of that sweet subscription cash, but are too shortsighted to see that they’re blowing both their feet

A reporter once said that Trump had tiny hands, and for years afterwards Trump kept mailing him pictures of himself with his hands circled in sharpie, with notes saying how big they are.  The man is incapable of letting anything go, ever.

That Scrambler just needs some tusk-shaped tow hooks. . .