Garland - Last Top Comment on Splinter

I wonder how many people will get this.

. . . wat.

Is Hannity really complaining that a deadly disease is more survivable now? Does he think suffering and recovering from covid is some kind of test of manly toughness?

This is really just confirming what a bunch of people have already figured out. Marvel relies too much on CGI work that is done by overworked and underpaid artists and hasn’t been properly integrated into the rest of the movie. It shouldn’t be the understaffed VFX team’s responsibility to restructure the third act at

Sounds like something some stoners came up with.

No sense of community. Having any sort of relationship with your neighbors is next to impossible in a hotel, because chances are good they’ll be gone within a few days. Living in a permanent state of impermanence takes a psychological toll.

Wide Open Anus Holes is my new band name.

I feel like we’re only a few months away from Dave getting up on stage and ranting about “transgender space lasers.”

No, because this is America, and you’re a freedom-hating communist traitor if you suggest we do anything other than increase the police’s weapons budget every year.

Nerfing the broomstick is years overdue, but I’m not sure how much it matters now that they’re making solo public lobbies an official feature. All the people who want to play in peace will just do that and not face any broomsticks at all.

As a PC player, I’ve been running solo public lobbies for years now, so it doesn’t matter much to me, but I’m glad that the console players and less techy people can do it easily now. Assuming R* doesn’t do something stupid like reduce payouts or increase timers in order to nudge people into the cancerous clusterfucks

Neutral: No.  I don’t ride in regular taxis, either.

Aston Martin first started using the wings logo in 1932. Designed by SCH Davis, they were said to be inspired by Egyptian scarab beetles.

I’ve been playing Warframe off and on since almost the start (I remember when there were only like 4 tilesets and slightly more frames), and have put hundreds of hours into the game.  I’m not sure if I’m excited or terrified by the prospect of another game that can hold my attention for 9 years.

I’m guessing you’ve never heard anything but radio edits of Little Lion Man.

Yeah. The first time they have to hire a water truck to come in and fill the bathtub with a hose, they’ll take their usage seriously.

So now these clowns think Q is a time traveler? I mean, how else could they have left clues in a magazine that’s been out of print for over 2 decades.  Nothing about this makes a lick of sense.

Or Erin. Maybe they were worried about having too many minifigures, but it’s weird they stopped 2 short of having the full cast.

When someone says they found an “inconsistency with the math,” what they mean is that they don’t understand the math and invented some BS they think sounds smart.

I’m still trying to figure out why it’s creepy to jack off with your eyes open. Isn’t that how everybody does it? How else would you watch whatever it is you’re jacking off to?