Now, if only they also got rid of Stannis. And Jon Snow.
Now, if only they also got rid of Stannis. And Jon Snow.
That man could do no wrong.
I'm old enough to remember when all NBA players wore shorts not only this short, but tighter, too.
The worst.
Agree totally and also - how are you in the greys with me?!
When I was 14 and my 36-year-old brother-in-law molested me, I was completely sober.
Yeah, I find it somewhat mind boggling this argument that highly sexualized videos/images/whatever of women are feminist because they are owning their sexuality.
Because sometimes women are merely making a patriarchal bargain, which isn't really all that noble, even if it might make sense for the individual.
Hi, thanks for responding. I appreciate it.
Depends on the jewelry and depends on the man, but I like jewelry on guys, both necklaces and bracelets. Why not?
Sounds like they lifted dialogue from The Office.
Well, daughters and daughters-in-law. Because the wives of sons will provide the bulk of elder care in families, over the actual sons.
Ah, ok, thanks for the link. So those are Max Reed's Rules.
Max Read's Rules? No, but I've seen some people reference it.
Right? And woe the strong female character, especially if she is either over 40 or has short hair. Then it's thread after thread about how that character needs to die. The unending hatred that pours out for female characters that aren't both "bang-able" and generally docile and compliant is just depressing.
Thanks Team Puppy. :)
I've learned through experience to avoid online communities and blogs like the plague, as most of them are simply horrid toward women. Even IMDB - which should be focused on movies and television - is full of demeaning, sexist attitudes.
Why do things for kids in America need to be fucking competitions? Why can't team play and cooperation be rewarded? You show up, are a good sport, try, but don't win so that's not good enough to recognize? America's only for winners?
I will give up my grandfathered-in unlimited Sprint plan when they pry it from my cold dead hands.