Infrequently Vile - Directed by Wes Anderson

God I LOVED that line. She wanted to get under his skin and saying “he choked” was going to do that.

Before the first debate there was a discussion between my (male) coworkers where one stated that she might not do well in the debate because of her temper, and the other asked (something like)“Why? Does she get crazy like a woman?” and that was the day I learned I could never get angry at work. Angry women are crazy,

oh my god, she’s like a living breathing Jim Halpert.

I watched the debate with my husband, whose criticism of Hillary’s performance was that she wasn’t aggressive enough. I tried to explain to him that as the first woman to get to this level in American politics, she’s walking a tightrope between looking too ‘soft’ and being labeled a bitch for being too aggressive. As

Is he a friggin cartoon character? Are those even real facial expressions?

Also, if this thing were rigged he’d never have become the nominee.

Remember how many of us were like, “I hope Obama doesn’t get assassinated during his inaugeration.” Well, I wish I could say I am not thinking the same about Clinton. 

There wasn’t a single eye roll, smirk, or cocked eyebrow.

I loved when the debate was over and Clinton just peacocked across the stage directly in front of Trump with a big victorious smile on her face while he was still seething at his podium.

Hillary is best and most “natural” when assertively going after absolute buffoonery. I like her more as an aggressive Hermione than someone attempting to be motherly/likeable/“one of us.”

I am so fucking ready to see this woman get her Inauguration Day.

i assume that during every debate Hillary is thinking to herself “I can’t believe I have to do this wtfff” 

I’m not sad if Susan G Komen loses money... since the majority of the money they get via donations never actually goes to research, treatment, or supporting women with breast cancer.

Yeah, screw Komen. I’ve gone out of my way not to give them a dime since the Great Planned Parenthood Fuckup.

I see the parsimonious approach you’re taking. Non-profits are hugely about image and reputation. If progressive orgs are still doing business with the douche then there’s guilt by association; and when you’re trying to fundraise that kind of publicity isn’t good

In the mid-2000s I raised $2,300 for them and did the three-day walk. It was a wonderful, amazing experience. That was about the time they started suing anyone and everyone who used the phrase “for the cure”, including little bitty events that had been around for many years. Then they started to vilify Planned

They’re not, it’s your sentiment that the election is a done deal. It’s the most dangerous kind of sentiment. People start sharing that sentiment, start believing trump cant win, then theyre getting off work on election day and decide theyre too tired to vote, and it doesnt really matter since trump was never going to

Same! They have metastasized beyond doing anything remotely useful re “awareness”, into a giant pinkwashing racket. Any so-called women’s health charity that is headed by someone who cut off Planned Parenthood AND supports Donald Trump.... does not actually care about women’s health.

“We’ve scheduled a wet t-shirt contest to raise awareness. Attendees will also be treated to a motorboating panel. Small-breasted freaks need not apply.”

“i’d give free breast exams to all women. i’d personally handle the tens. eric, my loser son, will do the uggos, and i’ll give don the 6-9s”