Infrequently Vile - Directed by Wes Anderson

Right? Every man alive knows a bunch of women who have repeatedly been sexually assaulted this way.

Thanks, AdequateStan.

I’m actually more sympathetic to Bush than some, having had jobs where clients put you in a tough spot due to their terrible values. There have been a few times where conversations went far afield and I found myself screaming internally, while remaining outwardly perky and trying to change the subject.

Well, duh. She’s over 35 and thus a hideous old hag.

Except that less than thirty seconds after hearing Trump brag about sexually assaulting women and popping those Tic Tacs, which he just descrbied as part of his MO, Bush asks the actress on camera to hug Trump. Then asks her hug himself.

Yeah, I won’t finish watching this season. That finale sounds dreadful, even beyond the unpardonable sin of driving your leading lady off the show.

I watch on Hulu and was so dismayed by season two I actually stopped watching weekly and would wait to check recaps before watching any more. I saw Frank Irving’s death ahead of time and stopped watching season two before it happened. I never finished watching season two, but did start up again with season three. But,

Yeah. Mr. Infrequently Vile and I both decided that the show’s producers maybe thought, “We have a hit! Now let’s sideline all these black characters, so that we can draw more white viewers in.” What else explains giving Jenny’s skills to Hawley, sending Frank off to a mental ward and pulling Katrina forward at the

How Fox and the show’s producers haven’t been kissing Beharie’s ass after that racist season two Cranewreck Family Hour is beyond me.

She was the lead (or at the very least co-lead)

Ever since the show treated Frank Irving/Orlando Jones so badly in season two, I’ve waited to watch episodes until a few have aired. Thankfully I’ve continued that into this season. So:

especially in episodes in which he nearly dies

No. Rodney was terrible, always.


if she were a guy, people would be all about dissecting what these traits mean for her backstory- who left her on Jakku? Why was the only guy with the missing map to Luke also living on Jakku? They would be all about the possible links between her and Luke. But no, she’s a girl

I was the exactly the same as you. Normally don’t care at all about spoilers, but avoided spoilers for TFA like the plague. Actually canceled plans for Friday night just to ensure I saw the movie before spoilers were everywhere.

After this initial run, they have 17 more figs in the works and only two of them are women.

True. We had a few rolled out with great fanfare in my city back in the day and most ended up getting taken out eventually. The one exception I can think of is one Home Depot near me. And I’ve learned to avoid the self serve check outs there because it’s a gigantic hassle if even one thing in your cart has a bar code

Yeah, I’ve heard the same story. He was definitely a class act.