Infrequently Vile - Directed by Wes Anderson

Most computers and programs don't really get "hacked." At least not on this scale - someone's email account. Instead, people have obvious passwords that others guess through trial and error. Then there are the security questions that a snoop can weasel out of others - your first pet's name, the name of the street you

So what you're saying is, they wouldn't qualify me to run a lifestyle brand. I agree.

Well, these are Born, but I love my Docs, too.

Leather mules from Born (So Comfy) Shoe Co. don't count as sensible? They are waay more sensible than my 5.5" Steve Madden sandals. Which also don't make me fashionable. Just for different reasons.

Does wearing sensible shoes count? No? Ok.

Yep. Hence you should have full hair, when it is straight and straight hair when it is full. Also, hemlines and waistlines always going up and down! And let's not even discuss eyebrow thickness/archness.

You are pretty great already, nezuminora!

Agreed. The endless ways to be wrong.

Well, I suppose no one ever made money by saying, "You're pretty great already!"

I don't understand society and it's complex rules on women's hair.


I've been told that Houston looks at every project on a case by case basis, as opposed to trying to manage development by an expansive (and probably convoluted) code. But that's just what I've heard from developers I know.

I live in a tourist town, so mainly tourists paid all the fees. The big downside to a tourist town is that all the taxes tourists pay go right into things tourists are most likely to use - namely convention services, BRTs, roads, etc. And our state (Florida) legislature passed a law last year making it much more

Our stadiums are paid for with bonds and convention center fees. Not the local sales tax.

Because Florida has no state income tax.

Because their state income tax is high.

Ugh. Support your local community by paying sales taxes! Parks, roads, schools, police, fire, sidewalks don't pay for themselves.

Yeah, the whole, "I don't want to see old fat men in them" is no different than the demand that bikinis, hell, the entire beach, remain the province of comely young women. Same thing.

Yeah, I don't get this reason either. At all. If you just don't want to have kids, fine, but to not want them because in addition to art and knowledge and goodness there are also terrible things going on seems - counterproductive? After all, lots of terrible people will have kids, so denying the world the offspring of

Ugh! Larry is hands down the most boring character on OITNB. Can't his stuff just get webisodes filmed so that those who wish can skip Piper's relationship with him?