Infrequently Vile - Directed by Wes Anderson

Ha, well I'm no kid anymore, so perhaps that explains my "meh" reaction.

So they're simply unfashionable? That doesn't seem to explain the strong, almost visceral reaction to them.

I have no opinion on speedos and I'm not sure what the objection is. They seem no different to me than teeny bikinis. Can anyone explain?

My cats would never go for this because, duh, they know what an honor it is for me to be their personal butler.

Hmm, sounds like the writer is assuming full time employment on her part - noting welfare requirements in general.

I worked in retail for years and for a couple of fast food restaurants prior to that - I would be willing to bet real money that this lady never gets an eight hour shift. Probably closer to four hours at a time.

I agree with her sentiment, but Hollywood's abysmal treatment of women is such that I even liked the Bourne trilogy in large part because - oh my god - there was more than one strong woman in it. Sad.

I would love it if some of my friends/family members/work contacts would stop shoving their newfound veganism in my face. You ate fucking shit for 30 years, so enough with your morally superior life choices.

ellenjane is a troll will no doubt delights in negative attention.

I'm convinced ellenjane is a dude who can't get a date and so has this caricature of the male hating feminist that he uses online to prove some point about how terrible feminists are. His responses are always basically the same. So, no, I suppose he is not serious.

Agree completely. I don't understand suggesting that, eh, writers don't bother writing about crimes against women. Just whatev. Meh.

They do learn a lesson - you can commit whatever crime you want against women and can expect to get off scot free because women are dirty subhumans.

Well, I've been a mom for a long time, too, so I don't think it's that necessarily. I have always gotten the, "You're a mom?!"

The worst part of media representation of women is how skewed age is. For example, I am 50 years old and recently decided to stop coloring my hair, so I have a fair amount of silver hair. Plus I wear very little make up yet I hear, all the time, that I "don't look [my] age. I thought you were in your thirties!" Etc.

I've read that George W. is disarmingly charming, even if you disagree with everything about the guy and Boehner just seems like a typical politician (and mainly politicians have mastered the art of innocuous chit chat), but Trump comes across so smug and arrogant. Ugh. He makes me want to throw things at the

My suspicion exactly. Awful. Ok, thanks. I'll know not to click on these articles in the future.

I don't understand this project. Where can these be shown without falling into violation of Disney's copyright? Do they appear anywhere useful to others? Or just the artist's own website, as part of her portfolio? In which case it's just opportunistic.

Years ago Mr. Garden Marvel worked for a company that prepared an RFP for a Donald Trump development. They didn't get the work, but within a year the Trump company had sued everyone involved with the project, offering cents on the dollar for all the work the various companies had performed. Most of them couldn't

I use the term all the time in my job. My organization assists start ups, among other economic development programming.