
This must be why all my lawyer friends always ask me why I’m not a lawyer. Argumentative AF  😆😆

Oh I know, GarbageCat. And guess what, when you have kids THEY’LL be like that too. Cannot tell you how many times I’ve been in a casual shouted debate (what, are shouted debates not casual for you? weird.) about what constitutes a sandwich when my opponent and I will pause for breath, and then ask “Hey, are your

As a child of lawyers, can confirm that they (and also now, me) really do enjoying arguing that much.

When my wife and I were a few months into dating, she invited me up to her families ski cabin in Lake Tahoe for a weekend. I got lost and texted her asking to confirm the address. Never heard back. Did not matter because I found the cabin 30 seconds later. She was waiting outside and flagged me down.

I got caught screenshotting a (former) friend.  She said something hilariously stupid and I needed my husband to share in it with me, but I accidentally sent the screenshot back to her.  Whooooooopsie

Why is her brother in the UK at all? Is Sarah his legal guardian? When she got her (checks wikipedia) graphic design job in London, did the visa allow her to bring one (1) relative along for the ride? Did she bring him to England when she first got the job, or did he join her later? Has he been ill his whole life or

No self-respecting woman would sleep with a man who shows up at her house wearing JNCOs...

What’s the criteria for the best stories? Because I feel that most of these stories are written like fictional stories and are obviously made up which makes them not that scary. Mine, on the other hand, was brief because it really happened, non of it was made up. And in my opinion, that makes it scarier than most of

This is the most “white people shit” ever. A couple generations ago, a single drop of Native blood would get you thrown out of the family. Now she wants to “claim” it so she can wear it like a scarf.

Now playing

Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses

Nice of the team to let Homeless Conor McGregor answer some questions.

This is my favorite cross over ever. All of the hate and vitriol of WYTS, with 100% more floral prints. Perfection. *insert loud, Italian, finger kisses here

Is any “20th Century Male Literary Figure Was a Psycho Ahole” headline supposed to be surprising?

Chik-fil-a and Oregon. #corrections

Forgot to mention his giant 🍆 🍆 (Am I the only one who saw his nudes leak this weekend?).

Re: Knowing when you meet the one.
Well, I can’t say anything about Grande’s love at first sight moment, but I can say I had one when I first saw my one and only, Mr. UrbanAchiever. A mutual friend had a b&w image of Mr. UA, and showed it to me. And I swear, bells went off in my head. We met a couple of weeks later in

what . . . the . . . fuck . . .whatthefuckisthat.  WHATTHEFUCKISTHAT.

“Blaine? His name is Blaine?”

And if your cat -really- trusts you when you hold them like this, their spine disintegrates completely and they turn into kitty putty which is, frankly, magic.

My Guatemalenness, my natural heat