
I did this same thing, albeit with my mom’s permission. I just always wrote my own absence notes. My senior year the school sent a letter home saying I had too many absences and was in danger of not graduating, despite the fact that I had a gotdamn 3.8 GPA.

From personal experience I can say that the Origins Calm face mask with cannabis sativa seed oil in it puts me right to sleep on the nights I use it before bed.  It also definitely calms the redness in my face and has calmed inflamed acne.

Yes!  I was sub-2 hrs on my first-ever marathon without any special training.  It’s not that out of the ordinary.  

Probably an annoying comment, but I ran my first-ever half-marathon in 1:52 and some change without any special training. It can be done!

It me.

She always had issues with guys when they would come up to us and start chatting us up. I always thought it was because she didn’t want men interrupting girl’s night or something but over time it became obvious she was fine with it if she was the one getting the attention.

Haha, thanks.

Excellent point.

This is probably sort of graphic, but whatever.

I did this after I got in a huge fight with my Trump-supporting former best friend. I sent her a text telling her I found her beliefs to be morally repugnant, lacking in empathy and completely ignorant. I also called her a racist and a bigot. I took a screenshot meaning to send it to another friend and instead . . .

As an attorney I. Cannot. Help. Myself. Even if it’s a topic I feel zero passion about, a lot of times I’ll argue the opposing position just because I. Cannot. Help. Myself. Especially with my significant other: even small differences of opinion become debates. I’m sure he’s thrilled.

These start out nice and then get increasingly darker:

I once made Joel McHale very uncomfortable while we were both in line to board a flight back to Seattle from Burbank. It was when he had just started on The Soup and so he wasn’t as recognizable. I kept staring at him because it’s weird to see famous people in the wild. I always second guess whether it’s actually the

I’m jealous you enjoy it! Literally the only way I’ve been able to maintain a workout schedule was because my commute was only 20 minutes and the “gym” I go to is a maximum 30 minute bootcamp/HIIT style workout in a facility that is one block away from my apartment. I happily pay $150 a month to attend it because

I had no idea she was a Cancer and he was a Scorpio. As a Cancer who has been emotionally fucked by a couple of Scorpios: yikes.  I hope she makes it out okay.

36, female. Each time I’ve experienced being asked, it’s been cute and romantic, but it’s almost always been in situations where there wasn’t as much heavy chemistry, although there wasn’t zero.  The times where he just went for it there was OBVIOUS chemistry where there was no question about whether we would be

You are not the only one. JESUS.  Word on the street is that he’s the one who leaked it.

I didn’t read the article but did they mention the leaked snapchats of his ENORMOUS dick?  Everyone do yourselves a favor and Google it.

I was waiting for this, thank you!

YEP.  Next week I turn 36, I’m childless, I’m single, and I’ve never been happier!