
Prison guards and the prison system are wholly responsible for ANY and ALL violence that occurs in the facilities they are running.

This is one of the reasons why we are a Third World Banana Republic.

Not defending or decrying this person, but a 1:58 half marathon is quite slow, by runner’s standards.
Why would someone cheat to post a slow time?

I ran a 1:38 in my first half marathon, without ever having run more than 6 miles in training.
Many women in my area regularly post in the 1:30's and low 1:40's.

She obviously cheated, but suggesting it’s highly unlikely for someone to run a sub-2 in their first half is not correct.

I started running to lose weight, and after a couple of years I ran a half. I joined a training group and trained for it. Before I joined that training group the longest race I had run was a 5k,

I think young women expect reciprocal treatment when fooling around in high school now. I’m glad you got to benefit from that. 

My most complicated lie, which is ongoing, is to convince people around me that I can’t lie. And everyone believes it. I’m always saying how I’m a terrible liar. Then every now and then I lie then immediately cop to it, usually with a laugh and “Man, I suck at lying.”

I am going through all of the Pissing Contests that I missed because I love the stories so I know I’m like a week late but wanted to weigh in. My boyfriend is Canadian and very good at sexy stuff. He attributes it to long winters. :)


*slow clap*

“To this day I have no idea how a 21 year old guy was so good at it; they certainly weren’t so adept when I was 21. He was equally as good at fucking.”

This is as it should be. I’m done reading now.

Not graphic. Move to Canada.

Yeah, how can you get mad at a friend for getting laid on a get-over-your-ending-relationship night out? Isn’t that, like, part of the point?

You deserved it, treat yourself. 

There has to be an evolutionary psychology component to how friends or groups deal with this. A man’s wingmen’s mission is to get their bro some action, whereas so often a lady’s girlfriends will do everything to protect and prevent said lady from same. It must have to do with the potential repercussions,the risk and

Threesome with 2 guys in New Orleans.

Canadians ARE polite folk. 

What? Why would she be pissed? I’d offer to film you guys and make you pancakes afterward if you wanted!

The only thing I’d point out is that although this tendency is common in people who get tracked into law, it isn’t unique to them. I became a lawyer, but discussing issues with my dad the engineer was better preparation for obstinate opposing counsel making hairsplitting arguments than law school was (and foretold my

Lol, I’m no lawyer (chef) but when we graduated high school our teachers gave each of us a jokey award, mine was for being the devil’s advocate because I was such an argumentative little shit.