
As soon as I started school: free lunch, clothes from Goodwill, and we could never afford for me to do the extracurriculars that my friends were doing.

New World was the last one I fully enjoyed, and my enjoyment has decreased with each subsequent film. But I can’t seem to quit them!

Oh god, Knight of Cups was awful. I typically love his films, but “a Malick too far” is right.

SAME. I had problematic thoughts like “having a face-meltingly hot serial killer show up in my bedroom at night wouldn’t be THAT bad.”

I grew up in serious poverty and in a chaotic home with a mentally ill single mother. My public schools were the only places that ever felt safe and I had several teachers throughout my schooling who consistently encouraged me, told me I was smart, and that I was going to succeed in life. I don’t know if I would

Yes, call them! Just because they’re liberal doesn’t mean they always vote the way we assume they’re going to, so definitely make your voice heard.

I had no idea this existed and I’ve lived here for for 20 years!

YES. There’s nothing like a Seattle summer.

Honestly, it’s a quick part at the beginning. The rest of the movie is so badass, you really should give it a shot.

Yes to all of these! I’d add Ryan Bingham.

Check out Ryan Bingham if you like Stapleton. And Jason Isbell.

I was in Pittsburgh over last summer and there was a cat show around the corner from my hotel. I went because I had some time to kill before an obligation and also because I’m obsessed with cats. ANYWAY, even I was weirded out by some of the people there but also simultaneously delighted by how they handled the

I have a bit a credit card debt that I’m close to paying off, but my student loans are KILLING me. They alone amount to $1600 a month, and with rent costing about the same, I feel cash poor most of the time. I feel like I scrimp and scrimp, but I’m only able to save a couple hundred dollars a month. And I make a

This sounds like me to a T.

I haaaaaaaaaaated it. And I remember thinking of the male lead: ‘really? him?”

I wish I had 1/4 of the faith in the fundamental goodness of people and hope that Barack Obama does. I used to be a more positive about it, but since the election it’s been incredibly difficult. I felt like I finally saw people’s true colors, people who I actually know who I thought were smarter and more

There are some pretty funny burns in those replies.

I can remember being spanked once. It wasn’t painful, but it was so humiliating it definitely corrected my behavior. I remember being so embarrassed for myself at the time. That being said, if I had kids I wouldn’t spank them. You don’t know what the psychological effect might be. I wasn’t damaged by it, but that

I completely relate!

I have some friends similar to you who don’t take that help for granted. I also know many people (my soon-to-be ex-husband included) who say that having their parents pay for things isn’t privilege, it’s just “normal” and what parents are supposed to do. My ex in particular liked to point out that, because I didn’t