I get the feeling that Maroon 5 has no idea about a lot of things....
I get the feeling that Maroon 5 has no idea about a lot of things....
Genuinely not realizing that your corny album title is also a pervasive internet hate slogan somehow seems like a very 2017 Maroon 5 move to me.
The text of the movie makes it pretty obvious why they latched onto it though. Maybe we need less stories about how unremarkable white dudes are secretly chosen-one saviors?
i saw an adorable old man on the bus the other day with a toothbrush stache, my first thought was chaplin instead of hitler. i think it’s time for them to be reborn as a moderately socially acceptable soul patch for your nose. others may disagree and i respect that.
As weird as the alt-right getting the term “snowflake” from a novel written by a gay man.
Nah. They’ve already proven themselves to be entirely immune to the concept of hypocrisy.
Is it weird that the MRAs are still desperately clinging to a term that originated with two transwomen?
The reason may not amount to more than opportunity and relative ease. Chicago would have required a multi-state road trip, Vegas was just down the road. Most crimes are a matter of opportunity. In any case, it’s another matter of a murderously unhinged mind and a country all too willing and eager to provide it with…
Common sense would say that buying 33 rifles and other firearms in less than a year is a slightly large red flag. Too bad our government could give a shit.
Yeah, and since scientists and mathematicians like Al-Biruni had figured out what had to be the approximate circumference of the Earth centuries before using what’s essentially basic trigonometry, Columbus’s contemporaries were absolutely right to think his underselling was ridiculous.
Both Ivanka and Jared are disgusting creeps on the make, so it really doesn’t surprise me they have a private email server pinging to Moscow, no. Jared owes over a billion dollars on the loans he took out to buy 666 Fifth just before the Crash, because he’s an idiot, and these are desperate hucksters we’re looking…
Fun Christopher Columbus facts: Pythagoras proved that the Earth was round about 2,000 years before Columbus set sail. In fact, all long distance navigation by Columbus’s time was based on the Earth being round. Columbus actually thought the Earth was far smaller than it is—and people at the time knew that Columbus…
Listen, if the Trump family members didn’t have private email addresses, how would they be able to secretly communicate with their Russian overlords?
It’s called a lede, you dipshit. Not a lead. If you’re going to lecture somebody for their supposedly lacklustre editing, the least you can do is get the term right.
Double win as Pateron is also based on an idea from a socialist work called Looking Backwards and looks to be the most profitable way forward for YouTube personalities.
Whenever i read about “YouTube personalities” i always think of Bill Duke in his one scene in The Limey, where Terrence Stamp has this whole huge monologue going on and on about being in prison.
I’ve been following Anthony Fantano for years and I stopped following him when he started his anti-SJW “meme shit” with his thisistheplan videos. I’m disappointed that a man who helped popularise bands like Death Grips would make content that goes against the message of bands like Death Grips.
Lock derp up.