At the time, there were no credible contenders. Nothing is certain but the canny and the cowardly tend to wait for weaker prey, and besides, it takes a while to get the scaffolding for a run in place. Donald already started on his next one.
At the time, there were no credible contenders. Nothing is certain but the canny and the cowardly tend to wait for weaker prey, and besides, it takes a while to get the scaffolding for a run in place. Donald already started on his next one.
Likewise. Nice to see good b-movie trash like this with zero pretense still coming out.
oh fuck yeah. bone tomahawk fucking owned, so im deffo gonna check this one out.
I went back and read the very small bit of Obama’s speech that dealt with Trump and it’s every thing that Trump HATES. An educated well spoken black man elected by an enormous majority, and loved by celebrities and sports stars alike, dismissing Trump’s “achievements” and the one thing that he clings to, convinced…
“Get over it! You lost!”
Remember that guy? Hah!
It would be better to reduce the gun violence and keep the movie openings.
To illustrate your point, this is the second *Ryan Gosling* movie in *four years* that had it’s premiere cancelled do to a mass shooting (the other being 2013's GANSTER SQUAD).
If they cancel a movie premiere Everytime there’s a mass shooting in America, they might as well cancel all red carpet things for every movie ever coming out ever.
Predictably, the White House (through Sarah Huckabee Sanders) says that the immediate aftermath of a mass shooting is “not the time” to talk about gun violence, which to me is like saying the immediate aftermath of the World Trade Center attacks was “not the time” to talk about airport security.
Damn, both Luann and Lucky are gone. That’s a sad thought.
The “V” in AV Club stands for “Vociferous Support of Rick and Morty”
If Dolt 45 came out against eating babies and kittens, you bet your ass I’m warming up the wok for some stir fry toddler that very night. Fuck that guy.
The Mango Mussolini can kindly go fuck himself, and his fake ass compassion. He’s got that anti-Midas power, all he touches turns to shit.
And including silencers in a “sportsman” bill. The transparent stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
Remember when wingnuts got their panties in a wad because Obama called Benghazi an “act of terror” as opposed to a “terrorist act”? It’s almost as if when the attacker is white, then it’s a “lone wolf” and definitely not terrorism.
Remember when wingnuts got their panties in a wad because Obama called Benghazi an “act of terror” and not a “terrorist act”? It’s almost as if when the attacker is white, then it’s a “lone wolf” and definitely not terrorism.
I assume you mean, “‘No Way to Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens”?
That Onion article gets truer and truer after every mass shooting. Largest mass shooting in the US, for now, and all the thoughts and prayers in the world aren’t going to prevent the next easily avoidable tragedy.