Garbage Day

Do we really believe that Charlie Sheen is capable of knowing for sure what he has and hasn’t done?

Can we get them to agree to a trial by combat?

I really don’t want to take a side in this. Can we just be rid of him AND the National Enquirer?

I talk to empty chairs because it makes me feel like Clint Eastwood.

I sit on my porch and drink PBR while yelling at Hmong kids to get off my lawn and stay away from my Gran Torino because it makes me feel like Clint Eastwood.

“My cock approves, big-time.”: a sentence written by an adult in a novel for other adults, and not from a 17-year-old’s fanfic.

I remember nothing else about the movie “Blind Date” other than her character (credited as “Hooker”) being naked and stabbed to death on a bed.

He gently slid himself into the hot dog bun -toasted but too toasted. It still had a slight spring and the infused warmth spread through him. Fumbling one-handed, he reached out for a cool, lubricating bottle of ketchup. At the last moment, he snapped his hand back. “No”, he said to himself, “We’re doing this Chicago-s

This is one of the few pilots that I said to myself ‘nooo’ when it ended. Chris Meloni was born for this role. Not sure this show would work without him.

In the case of Spacey and Weinsten we are talking decades of people being complacent while they both continued to prey on innocent people with impunity.

As a third party observer, his reaction comes off as defensive, and I would probably read it as a red flag that he is feeling defensive of some of his own past behaviors toward women.

Parents get old. They spent the last 20+ years centering their lives around you and now they just want to relax. Was it fun for them to change diapers, go to screechy band concerts, drive you everywhere, worry sick about you every day, etc.? No. But they did. Return the favor by not insisting they be every bit as

1. Yes, his reply is very stupid, especially when he uses right wing sources and talking points.

“She never said no to what we chose to do together.”

Do Stigmata and Point of No Return rank anywhere near the top of the list?

And they only did it because of the bad PR from yesterday when it came out that they did not believe the four victims. He was literally still filming as of yesterday.

“You’ve put me on display here,” Hoffman told Oliver, seething but never raising his voice or leaving his seat. “You have indicted me. … That’s not innocent until proven guilty.”

I received an email from tech support regarding logging in from my iPhone. They recommended I clear my cache. This worked, but apparently with whatever new Kinja hell we’re in...I have to do this almost daily. Fucken annoying.

This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.

I’ll keep the words smaller next time around. I’d hate for you to fall behind.