Garbage Day

Bewitched replaced Darren because Dick York was physically unable to work anymore, not because they wanted to bring in another actor for no good reason. It’s a completely different situation from this. This is CBS, which has a history of getting rid of women and replacing them with others, while men stay put. (See:

Or next season, have it revealed that she faked her own death because she was trying to get away from the excessive amount of emails she was receiving.

They should have had Erinn Hayes’s character run off to work as a doctor at a hospital in Brazil.

Honestly, this is probably the best thing to come out of it:

I mean, what it does demonstrate is how disposable female characters—and actresses—are on television. Nobody would even envision this happening to Kevin James’ talentless ass.

Let’s say...sure! Because THEY WON’T TEACH THE CONTROVERSY! All I know is that Ben Carson and/or Bill Gates is behind it all. It says so at the top of my daily A.V. Club newsletter!

Kevin asks his friends on the force to investigate, but the Chief tells them to back off. It’s a Miscavage of justice.

There’s an online course that might answer that for you. But first, consider purchasing some of those controversial IQ pills.

They should have just said that Erinn Hayes’ character ran off to hang out with Shelley Miscavage and no one can get in contact with her.

Is this too mean? I suddenly feel like this is too mean.

Yeah, fuck this sponsored post bullshit, I wanna to know how to date Natalie Dormer! 

Sounds like a question for Mike Judge.

Why is this the only thing on the front page other than Sponsored Posts about learning courses?

Stars for your point about A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Twelfth Night is better.

  • If only I could find a girlfriend who had the same interests as me!

I know you are describing something awful but I can’t help but picture that with the TOS fight music in the background.

Um, hey y’all... just gonna leave this here...

In his honor, I will attempt to read the nu A.V. Club for the articles.

Does this mean The War on Pubic Hair is over?

Dan Savage's personally molded replica…