garage wrench turner

I don’t understand how you could not understand cruise control and manual........ The transmission is not related to the fact that the primary point of cruise control is to hold highway speeds. At highway speeds, you don’t need to downshift. Shift into 5th/6th and set cruise just like an automatic. I use the shit out

You read my mind.

Kidding. Hehe. I promise I won’t buy any more.

Okay, maybe just one.


Unless it’s a 2-door.


But what if it’s a 5-speed?

Snap out of it, DT!

best quote from one of the mechanics I used to work with:

Like cockroaches, DeMuro remains.

No, and trust me, neither can my former bosses.

As a Physician, the answer was imediately apparent to me.

The best part of that story is that someone had to tell people that their Soul was repossessed.

If you had been killed, it would have been a real Saab story.

They probably gave him the rate on the condition that he’d have pants on the next time he walked into a PenFed branch.

That’s my gun!!! Seriously, I was the OPS/CSO on GTN when we installed the Block 1B mounts she currently has. I was really proud of the work my Sailors put in on getting it installed, calibrated, and getting rounds down range. It was probably the smoothest thing on that entire tour.

I will be here through the 15th of this month. For more info see here:

The bread is what you take issue with?

and doesn’t even check on the other driver. Fuck this guy.

Ahahaha, yes.



Comes with its own detachable leaf blower under the hood. NP

I thought he graduated with THE degree in bachelors.

Hmmm.. I’m torn. I think it’s awesome that you went and wheeled Moab. However, as someone who started with crapboxes and eventually built my own multi-thousands Jeep substitute - I think, perhaps, you’ve missed the point. You are correct in that it’s not a competition, and you are totally correct (and commended) for

You are who I wanted to hear from. And you’re a bad ass. And I want your garage.

I’ll bite. I own a BMW F800GS, and I ride the balls off it like it’s a three-trick pony. I’ve done 700-mile day road trips to Canada, ridden single track in the woods with my buddies on 2 strokes and kept up, and dragged pegs on Sundays to the amazement of the street guys - all on the same bike with the same set of