garage wrench turner

its $60 a car on every car, and thats just one component of the package. lets say you have a full “black out package” how much does every one of those new pieces cost, and how much do you charge the customer. FCA and GM don’t have particularly good profit margins right now. and these packages are meant to make money.

Thanks to the weatherstripping around his desk, he can spill his coffee all day for YEARS and there will never be a leak around his desk because of it!

And here I thought this was going to be a rant about the proliferation of “murdered out” special editions, not a critique on their execution.

You would press a button and a little pump would make a lot of noise and the seat would become firmer.

What a 200 Series Cruiser might look like when set up for off-road and/or expedition use:

To everybody who reads this, gets excited and goes on Craigslist, then becomes quickly discouraged... try looking at old Lexus LXs. Oddly, they are often much cheaper.

I see your Evo I and raise you an Evo II.

If you need help ask Doug,

Follow the oil trail. It will lead you to a Jeep of some sort

Yeah those are for looking cool and dust in that order.

You almost had me? You never had me - you never had your scoot. You’re lucky that ridin the clutch on your two stroke sorority- mobile didn’t blow the welds on the intake! You almost had me?

Not true. Even a high-mileage, dinged up 16 year old Land Cruiser is going to run at least three times that, and is probably worth it in running condition.

Oh hell yeah, 106k miles and under $5,000 for this is NP all day long, figure you’re getting 4runner like capabilities for $2-4k less and undoubtedly less miles

Watching these videos makes me depressed I am not out on a trip. I saw a guy on a KTM 1190 and I think I was making him uncomfortable staring at him with sad puppy dog eyes while he was trapped at a stoplight.

The Landcruiser is a great product. I read a story once where Toyota said that only the Landcruiser is designed for a 25 year lifespan, i.e. all the components, suspension, etc are designed to last at least 25 years while the regular Toyotas are designed around a 10 year lifespan. The one question I’m always trying to

The Toyota Land Cruiser is like a retired boxing champ: It used to be rough and tough, but now it’s just bathing in luxury.

This is the production car. Comes out later this year.

“It’s only about an iPhone-length shorter....” Why are we still using the imperial and metric measuring systems? This iphone-based measurement seems like it would work a lot better.

As it’s a 1967 car it’s fully street legal, registered, inspected and plated. I did leave the front one off but as an Officer once said any one giving you a ticket for that would be a real asshole.