
Shapiro is a lot of things but he isn’t condescending. He’s wrong but always willing to listen to the other side. That’s what makes him redeemable, unlike many of the others [Pewdiepie etc]. 

Your buddy’s experience is the totality of the conflict and war. Serbs went after the innocent Bosnian “refugees” for no reason. Case closed.

I know I’m gonna get roasted for this but... Ben Shapiro isn’t that bad? He at least uses logic and refuses to join the right wing fringe. Don’t get me wrong, I disagree with him on almost everything but, he represents a higher level of discourse that our country sorely lacks these days? He’s way too macho for my

Hey listen, I would agree with you if we had a decent SWM candidate but we don’t. The Flyovers won’t vote for Bernie so long as he insists on using the S word. Biden has video montages that give a person chills. Beto is a Big Oil funded skateboarder and Mayor Pete is a goddamn mayor. I get what you’re saying and agree

Let’s not kid ourselves. Republicans have control of the federal govt for the foreseeable future. Bernie can’t win. Biden can’t win. Warren is a joke. Booker is a fraud. Kamala has jailed thousands of innocent people. Beto is a dork and Buttigieg is already branded as a small time wannabe mayor.

*Sees my comment proving that Comey made Hillary lose*

Amazing to me that the same people who overwhelmingly voted for Billy Clinton in ‘92 absolutely refused to vote for his wife. Not saying it’s because of misogyny, but it’s definitely because of misogyny. And misogyny is social conservatism in a nutshell, so I’m not sure we’re disagreeing here.

Say what?

This is how it’s done.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Conservative in what way? Socially? Sure, maybe, probably not but it’s at least debatable. Unions categorically endorsed Hillary in 2016, so politically they are solid blue.

Pretty tired of all the Trumka hate. He’s a good guy, a union guy. He took unions from utter irrelevance and made them into the political and economic behemoths they are today. It wasn’t all him, but a lot of it was him. And guess who benefited most from the resurgence of unions? The middle class. Trumka presided over

In your opinion what Reba is better?

Ha! Pretty good metaphor for the 2020 election.

Anything but rosé, white wine, or clear liquor + soda is ridiculous. If you have to drink something else in the sun, put it in a mug and pretend it’s coffee or something. Or just own your need for attention and get the hollowed-out pineapple filled with jungle juice and covered in sequins and sparklers. 

It’s not often a family member of the president is this unabashedly political. Donj may not be a politician, but he more than makes up for that with his extreme rhetoric. He’s become a spokesman of sorts for the fringe right wing and is no different from the political operatives that are paid to opine. He does it for

Now playing

Thanks. Bad recording, but this is, in my opinion, the best Reba.

Nobody is “stuck” in VT. VT is a wonderful place.

It sounds like heaven.  I’m gonna move there pretty soon hopefully.

Hit too close to home and had to be ignored. Best guess.