
Haha yeah I get what you’re saying. Ugh. I wasn’t trying to be cool or anything I was just trying to be ironic. My mom always says to think before you speak but more and more I’m realizing that applies to commenting on the internet too.

To be clear, Milosevic did nothing wrong.

cgo - Pls no bully me anymore.

The money you save by cooking your own food can be used to pay someone to do your laundry for you. There is no reciprocal argument. You just want to sit on the couch eating takeout while your laundry spins four feet away from you. This is no way to live. Learn the art of cooking and you will improve your life in a

True story about Marfa, Texas.

Hi Raven.

If that’s the case then Mueller is indeed an agent of The Kremlin. The entire Republican party gets its orders from Moscow. Trump isn’t the exception, he’s the rule.

Right, but is Mueller too close to Russia for comfort? I wonder if he’s been to Moscow recently? And I wonder why nobody has looked into that? It’s time to investigate the investigators.

!!! This one got a belly laugh from me which doesn’t happen often. You win the internets today. Tip o’ the cap m’good sir. I even have an uncle just like that who was barbecuing with us just last weekend.

What gets me more then anything is Mueller. What the hell does Putin have on that guy? It’s obvious that Trump colluded with Russia. There’s no other way he could possibly have been elected. Ordinary, regular people seem to be more informed on Trump’s Russia Collusion that... the special prosecutor himself? How does

I think you mean “STOP.” But that’s not what we should be doing. We need to START doing things like holding community action sessions in our neighborhoods. Things like going door to door to explain the issues with Trump. Things like voting for local assemblymen or comptrollers or whatever. Things like running for

What good is the separation of church and state if the legislative body can’t legislate? If the judicial body can’t judicate? If the executive body is allowed to run rampant over the other two? Folks this is what they’re talking about when they say we’re in a constitutional crisis. 

Triple Sec should be avoided at all costs as should Simple Syrup. Excluding those two items leaves us with clear liquor + soda which is on the list.

Well put. We have no chance at the presidency in 2020. We need to be focusing on local offices. Rebuilding our brand from the ground up.

Get ready for a heaping dose of this 90 year old weirdo. They are going to shove him down our throats for the next 18 months and I guaran-freaking-tee you Bernie endorses him. Biden is the answer to the Midwest’s Trump problem, they say. So the DNC will award him the nomination and run with him like he’s Obama himself

I already addressed this. People like you should learn how to contain your kneejerk outrage and have constructive debates. That’s literally what Ben does. You can be wrong and be worthy of respect at the same time.

I’ll give you sangria but margs and mojitos are too sweet for the sun and beer is too bubbly which makes your tummy gurgle. Nobody likes a gurgley tummy at the beach or pool or backyard or whatever.

Who is Cenk Ughyaer? Video game or something?

Ok, guys, I’m not defending Shapiro, ok? I don’t like him. I’m just saying that he is willing to have an intelligent debate. Does he win the debate? No. But he has it and I recognize that.

Sounds legit.