
Alabama votes on its worst-looking resident every year. This is last year’s winner [loser].

Hey, how did this get in here?

And also this kind of bridge.

Alabama has this kind of bridge.

The first settlers of Alabama decided to fence in their trees. The practice lives on to this day.

People in Alabama, either for sport or for some fresh food, search the ground for classic large insects the state is known for.

Fort Morgan is a historic site located in the state of Alabama.

Here is a picture of Alabama’s entire coastline.

If you need to draw Alabama, this is a good place to start.

Alabama’s largest house is a French Chateau. It is very nice and very big. The Chateau style was chosen as an homage to the state’s Creole past.

Alabama has the highest coincidences of rainbows anywhere on earth. Much of this is due to the high Radon content of the state.

Some areas of Alabama are less farm-like than others. Old fashioned movie theaters are everywhere.

However, Alabama is affected by Radon. There are certain areas where the Radon is very thick.

WOW. If you Google “Alabama” there are a ton of pictures. This one is beautiful!

Hey a Florida person! Have you ever been to Alabama???

Not if he can just take his heels off and become a man again, which is what they do.

Unfortunately it seems to be a problem of Transgendered inclusivity. Anyone who claims to be transgendered is immediately considered such and a lot of the comments on this thread are proof. They need to discriminate a little more so that cis males don’t subvert the population, as they are currently doing. 

This is Alabama.

Sometimes the ones that work are as surprising as the ones that don’t.

Are you... are you joking? The right to influence feminism and the right to speak for women.