
Well, you use swear words so I don’t believe your an English teacher, but I do believe that English teacher is a profession. I don’t believe that fast food is a profession because, well, fast food is a temporary job and profession implies some sort of longevity. So again, I apologize for whatever I have done to upset

You are intentionally misreading my words. I am saying that cis men are pretending to be transgendered in order to co-opt and subvert the feminist movements. Doing so would include stealing feminist achievements for themselves and receiving undue protections and benefits.

There are more than 50 million in California alone. Please do not make us look silly by spouting off Trump-level fake stats.

To me this looks like an abuse of power.

I’m factoring in Undocumenteds because they’re people too.

Thanks for subtweeting me on my own thread... I’m not a TERF. I’m a man who supports feminism but is not a feminist. Men cannot be feminists by definition. How about we learn to be silent instead of interjecting all the time?  This is a feminist issue, not ours.  Quiet time for us.

It’s usually pretty difficult to communicate tone through words and like sentences and stuff but guess what - you did it. Your tone is very clear - you are mad at me. Whatever I did to cause this, I am sorry. But arguing with me any further isn’t going to solve anything. Let’s agree that Donj isn’t a politician and

Close but no. Men - power hungry nutbags - want everything for themselves including loud voices in the feminist movements so they pretend to be trans and convince non-TERF feminists that they are the bigger victim and therefore need a louder voice.

But I like giving advice.

1 - I thought you were commenting on the other thread here so pls disregard the “impostor” tag.

Using his campaign to demonstrate the state of American health care is actually a really brilliant idea. Sure, it stinks for 49 people. Guess what though? There are 500 million people in America. Take one for the team you whiny babies. This is campaign gold and the kind of innovative thinking we literally need.

When you say “we,” do you realize that you’re calling yourself an impostor? Because I’m not talking about genuine transgendered, only the impostors.

Right, they’re just crowding out cisfem voices in their own movement. What do you think co-opting means?

Radio Shack.  Why?

If we nationalize them they will do whatever we tell them to.

Fake Transgendereds. Search for yourself, they aren’t hard to find. They are trying to co-opt feminism because they want to steal all feminist achievements for themselves and get undue protections and benefits.

Ok, so if credit cards aren’t money then how come I can buy stuff with them? Hmmmm...

They’re called The Transgendered, not Transexuals. Please stop crowding yourself into this space. We need to be silent and supportive. No more talking.

Reminds me of the Fight For Fifteen that should have been the Fight For Twenty.

Basically all of the Flyover Country people. Have you ever been there???