
You mispelled “geniuses.”

I read this book and the title is not some metaphor for globalization and interconnectivity. The title is literal. Friedman believes the world is flat.

Speaking of TIME, have you seen the new cover about South Africa? It’s photoshopped. 

America is a union GTFO now!

Just read this you silly goose.

Thanks bra.

Whatever.  Also, that’s probably not true.  But even if it is true it doesn’t invalidate anything I said.  And why aren’t you shopping at Whole Foods? They recently lowered their prices on all sorts of produce. 

Pretty easy to tell you don’t believe this. 

Why do you believe that my intent here? 

No they aren’t. Being a customer scab gets you put on a list.  Get on that list and your bank accounts get closed and you are sent a check that you can’t cash.

Loosen up your tie, Alistair. Sounds like all that blue blood is getting trapped below you’re brain. I’ve held lines across the country and often for free. My great granddaddy and four others kicked off the Great Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902. My grandpap killed a man during the United Mine Workers Strike of 1946. My

Dude, you have obviously never encountered a task force have you? We drink beer and call each other goons. We live a proud life. Go back to your cubicle.

What does it say that Big Bad Robbie Mueller wasn’t able to get ahold of Trumpsky’s Tax Returns but the free press was? Should be obvious but nobody wants to say it. Mueller is a KGB double agent.

I am a union goon, bra. You think I’m ashamed of what I am? I’m a goon, alright?  Apologize to me right now.

Easily the best article of the past two weeks in my opinion. Mr. Slice has been getting much better and I have a theory as to why. Yes, of course I’ll explain.

Ice Hockey, an action-packed sport with a deep tradition of mediocrity. Here’s how to fix it:

More likely the opposite.

Really? Odd because she also pinned our comments to the top of the community section. Well, sorry to Stairmasternem. That’s no way to treat a good faith agreement.

9/10s like Megan McCain are usually able to backtrack, claim ignorance, or outright lie about what they said and get away with it.  Good on Seth for staying strong and not letting her squiggle out of what she actually said.

During the Great Southwest Railroad Strike any person who purchased a pass was pounded into a pulp by union goons. So, historically passengers have been considered a silent partner in the union’s strike.