
Hey, when did they grey you?  Welcome.  It’s cozy down here.  May I offer you a cup of Irish Coffee?  It’s coffee, but with Jameson.  We don’t... we don’t drink the Protestant stuff down here.  I hope that’s ok with you.

Uber is a surveillance company that dabbles in ride-sharing. Stop using Uber altogether. Eventually a non-surveillance, ride-share first company will pop up in your city.

Mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, Florida is a state filled with Haves and Have-Nots. The wealth gap is enormous and this tax would go a long way toward redistributing funds to communities that need them most. On the other hand, I worry that this might potentially disenfranchise voters that don’t care much

Dishwasher and any disagreement is uninformed and therefore invalid. There are plenty of services that will pick up your clothes, bring them to a laundromat, clean/fold them, and bring them back to you. And by the way, if you think you can fold clothes you can’t. You need to at least once experience the type of

The big advantage that Uber, and Lyft for that matter, have over their workforce is that they employ a large percentage of Undocumenteds that act as an anchor on wages and collective bargaining.  They can’t strike.  They can’t do anything.  Their voices aren’t heard.  They just work.  And that’s the way these tech

Clever, but cleverness isn’t humor.

There are only losers in this story.  Folks, organized labor needs to be, well, organized.  It needs to sustain its focus on things like, well, helping laborers.  Nobody wins with this kind of infighting.  Nobody likes seeing this kind of dirty laundry aired.  Folks, it’s time to open up the washing machine and put

Sorry Libby but the right isn’t funny at all. Literally all the best comedians and joke men voted for Hillary. Literally all of SNL is for her too along with the Late Night shows and everyone else who’s actually funny. That’s why we have the best memes on the internet which are shared a lot through social media mostly

You could sue higher up in the law enforcement structure, those that have jurisdiction over the local forces.  Then you would get into Obama’s former FBI and DoJ though so it’s probably a non-starter.  

Folks, as bad as this is, remember what Rush Limbaugh said about her in the immediate aftermath. All she wanted was birth control to be what it is, a human right. Sandra wasn’t just an advocate for women.  She was an advocate for all of us.  Never forget.

Ben Shapiro is under five feet tall.

The Executive Branch has failed. The Legislative Branch has failed. The Judicial Branch has failed. Our Democracy has failed.

Honest Answer: If you look at the leaflet it’s pretty clear that the illustrator labels the media as Nazis and that is the purpose for the swastika. On the same leaflet he calls them “Police State/Fascism.”

It’s not a human rights violation, it’s an expected consequence of living in a crowded, polluted cage. You are captive. You have to watch the ad. You have no choice. You have to put up with the putrid, sweet smell of decaying biological matter all around you. You have to put up with the noise made by people with no

Bernie is running, Hillary is not. Time to heal the 2016 wound.

Betsy Davis stop this now!  You have no right to tell people how to use their time when you have all kinds of free time due to your money accounts.  Maybe, instead of saying these things, you should pay taxes more so we have more adult time?  What now?  Excuses excuses.  Stop it Betsy!

I wish Climate Change would speed up and end our misery. There is nothing redeemable on this planet and Trump deserves the super-Nero title of being the guy who tweeted while the world ended. My car is in the driveway, engine running. My AC is blasting, windows open. Change, climate. Change now.  I am ready.

Scott, please stop being silly.  It is not clear what the intent of the swastika is in that leaflet.  Stop projecting.  Also, good morning.

Maybe I meant illustrator.  There are a few words on it though.  Either way, answering that question would make for a good follow up article.