
About negative two years.

Better than the bomb she received in Manchester [United Kingdoms, not NH], but still bad.  Impossible to tell what is meant by the swastika.  Is the author a Nazi or is the author calling the media Nazis?  

How do you describe nothing?  And so how could you describe a nobody?

You watch 60 Minutes?  Literal Trump Admin propaganda network...

You dont’ know the names of average nobodies.  Billy Bob and Bubs are rockstars these days.  Where have you been?  Pop culture is now centered around country life and sitting on the back of my pickup truck, lonesome with the blues but I still got my guitar and this here dog who’s my friend, maybe my only one.  That’s

I wanted my hair to start growing really fast like in those time lapse things.  Nails too, and I’d thin out and my vision would blur.  If I could have forced seventy years on myself I would have.  That’s what I was trying to do and it didn’t work because nothing does.

I don’t know how to build anything let alone a spaceship. 

1 correct

Cool it, ICE guy... sure, politics may be broken. But who broke it? Us? No, it wasn’t us. You? Yes you. You broke the policy in the democracy.

I didn’t say we need to be civil just that we need to be talking about it because that’s what average nobodies want.

Ok listen, relitigating the Russia Collusion is not going to win us 2020! It’s not! We need to win on our ideas and our vision for the future! That’s why Rashida is popular. And AOC. and Rep Ilhan Omar. That’s why Bernie is running again! Not because of Russia. But because of us. Because of me, because of you. Because


I spent three hours yesterday trying to force time to speed up with my mind.

If you don’t already know what’s going to happen you haven’t been paying attention. Danyareus and John Snow duke it out for the throne after her last dragon gets dead. Meanwhile, the little guy and the eunuch go around spinning tales and rumors of the White Walkers coming back. At this point the ships in the harbor

Well clearly America wasn’t ready for Obama considering they just elected Trump.  As for the rest of her screed... good argument for state-enforced breeding programs.

Sounds like a covert plan to disarm mosques.  Seems fishy and I don’t trust this at all.

The problem is there is no political will to do this. Jose Sixpack doesn’t care at all about the Russia Collusion beyond knowing - “knowing” rather - that it didn’t happen. Now those types are done paying attention.

Tell that to the Bernie or Busters. 

Britishes love tyranny of the majority. But guess what? Not everyone does.

Haven’t seen it.  Won’t see it.  I prefer books to shiny lights on a surface combined with loud noises.