
One of the great things about James is his humility. He knows he’s going to dominate. He knows how much he’s banked. And he knows he knows more than his competitors. Through this he remains kind of quirky and focused.

most folks over there


He’ll toss them under the bus in a heartbeat.  The war criminal he’ll have to defend is Obama.

Serious Question: How does she sit in a car with that thing on?  Her head would be jammed up against the roof. 

Not a Biden fan but the whole faux outrage over the way he greets people is kinda embarrassing.  He treats people like friendly dogs.  You just go up, say hi, and pet ‘em.  Everyone likes dogs so this is more nothing as far as I’m concerned.  Still not voting for him but that’s why the outrage was very temporary.

Now playing

There was a time when it was about the music, not the video. That time was lit af and I want to go back.

Czarface is better than MF Doom and the No Limit Soldiers are better than both.  It’s Always Sunny gives me pause but only momentarily.  Chipotle fired me for eating on the job and can go to hell which is where kittens are from, puppies are from heaven, and both of those destinations are better than planet purgatory

Nearly all pro-Trump memes come from Gen Z “content creators.”  Sorry, not sold.

I’m not risking my my neck for a bunch of animals, humans included.

It’s baffling to me that people haven’t bought up “An Evening With The Clintons” tickets to publicly press him on this issue.  I guess nobody wants to be really famous and celebrated these days.

Give me one good reason this planet is worth saving.

Or, maybe, never cite the material you’re attempting to use as your own.  Tough to tell because it’s not obvious and not a joke.

No no, that’s not right at all.  Mikey Cohen deserves to be incarcerated.  85% or more of those currently incarcerated do not.  This is why false equivalencies are so dangerous.  One deserves jail, the other does not.  Let’s not obfuscate the issue by squabbling over treatment.

Fun story that’s basically a metaphor for the league these days. The United Center is in a rough part of town but once you get inside everything is great. Popcorn here, soda there, and an entertaining spectacle on the court. We pulled up to the UC and parked in one of the lots, got out, and went in to enjoy the show.

Ha! Exactly. I told them they were just gaslighting me and they said that they were trying to tell me the truth and that I was being gaslighted by CNN. Obviously they choose CNN because that’s what Trump says. They said they were trying to wake me up. And I guess that’s gaslighting in a nutshell. I was struck dumb and

Listen, Xtian, I loathe Hillary.  Loathe her.  But she did win the popular vote.  There is a good case to be made that he is not the president.  And if we’re going there, you could also make the case that because Hillary rigged the primary against Bernie, and because Bernie would have taken Flyover Country quite

At dinner last night my dad called me a conspiracy theorist.  I’ve been calling him that for years but he finally used it on me about the Russia Collusion.  I’ll never forget that smile.  That smile is the reason I’m gonna move out soon.