
A small aluminum vessel should more than suffice for this operation.  You can get those anywhere.

Europe is all pretty much the same. 

Still not looking good for the Europeans no matter how you look at it.  Either they’re lazy, don’t care, or don’t have the tools.

Might be behind him but that problem was that it was behind her but seriously folks this isn’t going away for Ush, not with a billion articles out there shaming him for something that’s actually quite common and def treatable. Most people have it so I don’t know why this is such a big deal.  Everyone should relax. 

Pretty tired of the BDB hate around here. Yeah, I get this is a NYC-centric site and you people always have to be complaining about something otherwise you’d have to face the reality that not only are you priced out of your environment but your environment is pure pollution any way you look at it but still, show some

No, silly.  I mean trying to get Vladdy Daddy out of power.  Subvert his authority.  Undermine him.  Spread propaganda throughout Russia.  Stuff like that.

No I wouldn’t just swim out there unless I had the proper diving equipment.  It is more likely that I would fashion a boat of sorts immune to acidity and use a harnessing contraption to retrieve the suitcase.  But I’m not a lazy European cop so... guess I’m thinking about it too American like.

I hope the readers of this site are clever enough to identify your clever reference in the last line.

Ethics are only justifiable if they cost nothing

Since Russia tried to corrupt our election, we should try to corrupt theirs.  Fair is fair.

His hair gives me vertigo. 

This is a Beyoncey site.  Goodbye forever.

Thank you for that laugh. Chewie - aka Chewbacca who is but one Wookie - has a ceremonial blade that he often uses. Also available to him are the following weapons: Ryyk Blade, Wookie Quad Turret, Kashyyyk Stalker Pistol, Quarrel, Samsonite Logging Facility, Ryyyk Blade, Wookie Slug Thrower, Kashyyyk Long Guns, and

Or Lil Peep.

George Lucas sold out and now all the Disney kids think they know about the Wars.

JFC those are holsters for E-11 Blasters, the preferred weapon of the Galactic Empire.

Challenge accepted. My perfect planet is planet Earth. The planet itself is perfect, it’s the people that’s the probelm!

At the time, one other suitcase had been located but not retrieved.

No, that is a column of Wookies.