
Empire Strikes Back is the first one.  Episode XYZ whatever is all the new stuff after Disney bought the franchise.

It should be acknowledged in the article that Bernie’s antiquated ideas about drugs, specifically cocaine, have changed to a more modern, less cynical view.

Check out these bad boys. God I wish the UN would take over the streets of America. I would weep if I saw these babies streaming into town.

Zapping kids’ brains and forcing pills down their throats is normal in a society.  It makes them quieter and I have things to do.  

Using petty expense typos as a reason to go after a political adversary within your organization is a hallmark of Trumka’s reign.  He has overseen the downfall of unions in the US while enriching himself.  There is no broader pattern nor is that even being suggested.  Trumka believes himself a king and acts the part. 

Start here and get back to me in a couple years when your done with the next two and understand how important these films were and are.

Chewbacca is a Wookie from the planet Kashyyyk not a dog.  Have you ever even seen the original Star Warses?

Trumka forced his minions to vote for Hillary. Trumka silenced pro-Bernie voices within the AFL-CIO. Trumka helped Trump win 2016.

Honestly didn’t want to magnify this with a response but yeah, it is.  You can find a million pics on Google Images if you care to look.  I don’t have the time to do it right now.

That’s Hans Olo, not Chewbacca. 

It’s got some good shows.

Watching Tucker C-C-Carlson is actually a great way to stay informed on the opposition. Not sure if anyone here spends time on social media but if you do you’ll want to know all the talking points of the enemy. Keep your friends close but your emenies closer, right? All of the Alt Right watches Tucker C-C-Carlson and

‘Sprised he didn’t exaggerate it and use that exaggeration to go after Rep Ilhan Omar, AOC, and Rashida.

Pete’s a pill-popping alcoholic just like her so no wonder. Guess who is running in 2020? Bernie. Guess who isn’t? Hillary.

Yeah it’s a great convo-starter and I get thumbs up all the time too.

Which one is Diamond and which one is Silk? Haha. Just kidding. Hey listen they have a point. Bringing in a bucket of fried chicken is not only disgusting for 9AM it’s not very considerate and could even be considered offensive. I think that’s what they’re saying and no matter you’re political stripes we can all agree

Would never happen.  This is why we had Gulags back in the day.  No need for all this red tape to get rid of a bad guy.

Alachua, FL is a sanctuary city.

This is a truly great precedent.  So will be the first homicide charge.