
Niche candidates don’t require the establishment to rig the primary against him because they wouldn’t otherwise be able to win.

Commas are not used to give the reader relief.  They perform the grammatical function of separation.  

It’s funny how everyone is so quick to dismiss Bernie as some old white guy when it’s not true any way you look at it. His ideas altered the course of history. He changed the American political landscape forever and now the youth are carrying his torch.

Biden’s son has taken money from both China and Ukraine. Biden is essentially George Bush of the left except with more molestation. The same old down to earth, one of you shtick while he rakes in billions for his international elite pals.

“Both of these people are old so all of their ideas are bad.”

Please stop belittling me.

At some point, I don’t know.  What the hell is elvensies?

Smart gal.  Cashing out at the height of her fame to a guy she’d never otherwise be able to get.  Eyebrows Jonas was always a better catch than Nick.  

Joe Biden thinks he owns the union vote.  He doesn’t.  Case closed.

It is uncommon to find someone these days willing to use an apostrophe but not a period.  

Brother I hear you. I do. I’m saying that you can’t just get from point A to point B right away. Sometimes there are hurdles and stuff between them. Or actually point B is the hurdle and we’re trying to get to point E or F or something. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, but progress isn’t

Thank you for your input. I would appreciate any suggestions you might have.

Yeah well was he convicted or just accused?   Because they’res a huge difference their.  I have that same shirt but guess what?  Under the text is a picture of me on it.  You should see the double takes I get.  So hilarious.

Whoa hey, I’m not saying that we shouldn’t feed people.  I’m just saying we have to go about it practically.  Free breakfasts first then free early dinners.  Once we get that done we can discuss your other ideas. 

Forget where I read it but I believe it’s true. Not taking any credit for thinking of this because I’m not that clever.

What’s the difference between a free kick and unnecessary roughness in football?  The answer is there is no difference.  Instead of lining up some guys to get hurt for no reason how about you make the free kick from farther back and limit it to just the free kicker and the goalie?  That would make the kick more

I agree, but I think that if we were gonna do another meal it would have to be an early dinner.  Lunch you can skip but nobody likes going to bed hungry.  So after breakfast I’m thinking like a 430pm lunch-dinner. 

One more question please.  Why do non-Americans say “think on” instead of “think about”?  They also do with with the word good, as in “good on you” rather than “good for you.”  It’s very strange.  Trust America’s leadership when it comes to language and grammar.

Still makes no sense.

Nobody is perfect and hey, neither am I.  But striving for better is always good.