Gamegated ManFortress

yep, I gave $1k to attend the premier and after party. It was a fantastic experience.

There's another thing about video games that lead me to not back them: they've got a rather nebulous development process. When you're kickstarting something physical like a playing card deck or a cool bike rack or whatever, usually the process is already 80% of the way there. Everything's already designed and

Kickstarter is great...... but I don't think it's a good avenue for games (video games that is).

Broken Age came out.

Yes, Oculus Rift, Elite: Dangerous, Planetary Annihilation, Divinity: Original Sin, The Banner Saga

...all scams *rolls eyes*

Urgot to be kidding me!

Also not admissible in court.

It's also weird how Slade Wilson, the guy who led a huge assault in Starling City and is responsible for many deaths, has a better living environment than Peek-A-Boo, who's crime are teleporting her boyfriend out of jail and stealing some money.

Never stop writing, please.

Video Games' Blackness Problem

Video games have a blackness problem. This has been a known thing for a while, and we do talk about it from time to

Monogamous, but would have a three-way with two very specific men in my life.

So, "no, I have no idea what a review is", is what you're saying. Your understanding of "bitching" seems to be a bit shaky as well.

Reviewer likes a game. "You are being paid by the publisher to say good things!!!!!! No integrity here at Kotaku!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - Reviewer hates the game. "You are just jumping on the hate train, you are a biased piece of shit Kirk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".

Have you played the game as you seem to have a pretty strong opinion on the product? I ask because last time I checked the game doesn't come out for another 16 or so hours...

I know. It's like the shitty companies that decided all of their employees would drop below "full time" hours so they don't have to provide insurance. I would say that I don't know how these people sleep at night, but I do: on giant piles of money.

Ugh, go away.

It's infuriating. I raged and cried over this as the process to fight to get the stuff stretched out for weeks and I just couldn't take it anymore, which I'm sure is what the insurance companies were counting on, those bastards.

Take your whore-pill heresy elsewhere, foreign witch!

You mean I can go back on Nuvaring and get it for free??!?! This is the best news.