This is how I picture that meeting. Well, replace Romans with Kotaku, but you get the point.
I give it 7.6 ethics out of a possible scrore of 5.0 juicelawyers.
4.3 MegaEthics (ME) per second.
I think the “joke” is that it’s inconsistent.
I believe that is the joke
Hey Tim:
As a young game Character Artist who graduated a year ago from uni, I wanted to ask how do you mentally prepare for those seasons of “hand to mouth” weeks, or when you’re not sure if you can cover bills this month? I remember hearing plenty of artists joke about similar situations in that dark humor kind of…
Watching the DFA videos you can see a number of times when people don't think a goal or milestone will be met but they hold back from saying so openly because you're gunning for it.
Hi Mr Schafer!
Broken Age was the very first kickstarter I’ve backed, so it was kinda nice to finally see it completed.
I have honestly never played any of the titles you have worked on, but you have a massive loyal following and your games get great gamer reviews.
Three years ago, Tim Schafer raised over $3 million on Kickstarter, and today he’s finally here to deliver what he…
At least 20 times a day, I check in on my virtual cats. I consistently have the impulse to do so, in fact. Neko…
“Reality cannot survive another crisis,” says a character in the latest issue of Justice League. Dare we hope…
In a move that’s bound to yield some very interesting results, Valve just announced that it was changing the way it…
I hate that defense. Sure, it was his first day as a superhero. Ive yet to spend a single day super-heroing, and yet I know that knocking down a building full of people, then ignoring the survivors to go make out is BAD. I don’t need to do it first to learn this.
Man, that’s cruel.
Have you ever taken part in a Steam review bombardment? Or whatever else you might call a concerted effort to leave a negative or positive mark on a game’s Steam page via reviews, tags, etc? I’d love to hear why. Send me an email at or, if you’re comfortable with it, leave a comment.