
He lived into his eighties and won Indy 4 times. I’d put his life in the “win” column. RIP, Big Al.

That’s the first rule of Italian driving.

Horner said NOTHING about Perez, however ;-)

As much as it would be an ultimate display of unsportsmanlike conduct, I vote yes for three reasons...

Since this is a car enthusiast website, can we refer to him as Max Verklappen? Maybe?

This guy right here...

As much as I love the car and would kill to own one, the Ferrari LaFerrari always made me laugh. “Ferrari the Ferrari.” Just seems a tad lazy, especially for that type of car.

A man once hitchhiked across the country for a similar bike, stolen by one Francis Buxton. Just remember, kids - there is no basement at the Alamo!

In related news, the McRib is back.

This might be the first time in history someone has typed “ducking” and meant it. Duck, yeah!

That’s amore!

“Spies Like Us.” An absolute gem of a comedy. 

You want some coffee?

This is one of the most Wile E. Coyote things I have ever seen.

That the simple act of driving can be a joy unto itself. Put whatever you want on the radio, open the windows if it’s nice out, and just go. That level of peace and quiet is hard for many of us to achieve otherwise. I took a 3+ hour solo road trip to the NHRA race at Maple Grove some weeks back and it was AWESOME.

Good to see America putting its best foot forward on the grid.

I’m going with a first gen NSX. Supercar looks, approachable and fun power and performance, cache that will all but guarantee it will hold its value over the years, and of course Honda reliability. And as a personal opinion, it hits the sweet spot between digital/analog, modern/old-school. 

Any newer Camry with a V6 or an older RAV4 that had the V6. I had a 2010 RAV4 with the V6 and for a time, it was the quickest car in Toyota’s lineup.

It’s sacrilege. I had a ‘91 and a ‘92 Turbo. This pains me. 

Definitely Jon Voight’s LeBaron. Just make sure he doesn’t bite you!