
I feel disgusting for having to agree with that piece of shit DeSantis but I actually agree with banning foreign entities from owning land / real estate within our boarders.
I’ve never heard a good reason for allowing this and as it stands there are so many vacant condo’s in Boston owned by foreigners as investments.


Pass! It’s been in an accident. A pretty bad one, too. Severe enough that it knocked the steering wheel over to the passenger side!

I mean, it kind of sounds like it was the cars? If they’re built so crappy that they can’t make it off the semi, and banks won’t finance them, seems like it’s the car’s fault.

This is what I think of anytime I hear or read the term “Van Life.”

‘Vette gets ‘em wet.

Better luck next time....

An IndyCar driver and an F2 driver walk into a bar. Who gets more respect? The IndyCar driver, because the races are longer, faster, more dangerous and closer in competition. Ask yourself, why do so many former F1 drivers refuse to drive ovals? Just saying...

I very much miss the signature "dual cowl" dashboard. This isn't bad, but it's absolutely soul-less 

You make a fine point. We may have stepped into another era…

I am surprised that nobody is complaining about lack of manual in this car. Isn’t that a mandatory comment?

It’s not “Moors” it’s “Moops”.

Why can't black people decide laws don't apply to them just like white people do?  See: Cliven Bundy, Donald Trump, et al.?

They went off a cliff when it became “Indycar” As Paul Tracy said: “Crap Wagons” They still are to this day.

The movie does imply that Lightning put the “Kachow” in Sally.

I don’t know what “Kachow mode” is, but it’s dumb, and just when I think this couldn’t get any dumber, they go and put pinstriping under the wing...

If she was texting or on her phone and oblivious, then anger is justified. If she was blacked out because of something medical, then it’s more sorrow on top of sorrow.

The Altima is the one with the blistered paint, peeling tint, rashed wheels, a dent in the rear quarter and a bit of missing front facia.

Watch out, you’ll get cancelled.

wait so we say body positivity, but also body shame elon musk? seems the entire article is saying “ew, he has a weird torso”. a bit of a double standard no, jezebel?

One assumes these will be marked up just as much beyond MSRP as those were.