
I read about this car last year and saw it run at the FOS, and I thought to myself that if they can properly sort it out it will most likely be as fast or faster than an F1 car around a track. The performance this thing is capable of is staggering. 

Right with you, sir.

I lived through and experienced the rivalry and I think your assessment is accurate. Senna was faster than anyone on a single lap, I don’t care who you compare him to, living or dead. That being said, Prost was a master of setting up the car and conserving his tires and was able to deliver results like clockwork. He

Wow, a NY reg and inspection sticker on the Mosler. Interesting...

Got a free ticket from a new friend who is on annual renewal. Gonna make a road trip out of it from NY. Been to a lot of IndyCar, F1, and NHRA races etc., but never Indy. Cannot wait.

There are no winners here or any one party being “right.” Both were driving like jerkoffs engaging in jerkoff activities, and one of them paid a hefty price.

Love it. Went to the 24 back in ‘09 and it was a blast. A Sam’s Club-sized case of 5 Hour Energy shots definitely helped.

Like I said, I was waiting for and expecting that. I call them like I see them :-)

While I certainly don’t condone this, I’m thoroughly impressed by this man’s ability to stay off the radar for that long. Seventy-years! I can’t even imagine in this day and age. If he avoids jail time, my man needs to teach a master’s class on how to lay low and get about.

Because we have raised a generation in the USA that prefers to be spoon-fed instead of actually thinking and doing for themselves. Why invest time in looking at all the details? It’s much easier to just swallow whatever the MSM spews forth and have more time left over to take pictures of avocado toast and vegan hamburg

Just the reply I was waiting for and expecting. Thanks for short wait!

Actually, we very much love our freedoms. We just don’t believe it is up to anyone besides ourselves to grant them and take them away.

Same. I held my breath on this one. Miracle she was ok.

Now playing

We’ve all seen it, but it is obligatory for #14...

Interesting concept, I like it. Show your chops on every type of circuit we run, win a cool million. It’s not gimicky and the money is substantial. Smart move.

I sincerely hope he busts out the Osvaldo the Chicken helmet for his first race.

This is the only answer.

Knowing Alesi’s track record, I’m surprised it actually went off and didn’t fizzle out right before the end.

Audi has been threatening to join the F1 circus for more than a decade. I’d love to see it, but I’ll believe it when a grand prix car pulls up to the lights with four interlocking rings on it and not a moment sooner.