GalvaTron Guy

To some degree, but it is worth understanding that the support that many Asian (and other groups like Jewish) parents have for their children’s success isn’t entirely altruistic — they want their kids to succeed because traditionally in a lot of societies they were from there were no such things as pensions or social

On that note as well; what is ‘sexually teasing’ someone? Trying to appeal to them sexually, but not being available to them? Coz if that’s the case, Britney Spears spent the late nineties ‘queerbaiting’ me.

Not a fan of any reboot? Okay, read this, and then tell me that your blanket statement is valid:

Hot take: he’s absolutely right about the Skywalkers being fundamental to Star Wars, it’s just that no one wants to admit it.

No. He will be played by Ernest Borgnine.

Highlander was a documentary, and it was shot in real time" - Master Shake

You are so tantalizingly close to understanding the point being made by Vargas2022, and yet - “woosh.” 

A good biopic narrows its scope.  The new Napoleon movie is basically his entire adult life in two hours and 30 minutes and that's about as roundabout an example of not narrowing your scope.  If you include too many other things it will either dilute the overall themes or stretch the runtime and cause pacing issues. 

It made me feel a lot like Apollo 13 did back when it came out.

Schindler’s List also took place during Japanese internment and completely ignored it.  Ridiculous puff piece, I say.

Why in HELL doesn’t Spike Lee care more about Frasier Crane???

Other reading I’ve done suggested that the planned invasion site was being heavily reinforced with Japanese troops and armor, to the point where the U.S. and Russia would likely have instead blockaded the island and finished bombing out its rail infrastructure to the point where the island would have been at risk of

In this instance the total number of view points being brought up are Oppenheimer’s and the Japanese. Ergo - every point of view. But my larger point is that asking movies to embody every POV on a story is untenable. As someone else commented - we don’t demand that Grave of the Fireflies devote time to the US point of

I agree with Lee, and also think Grave of the Fireflies should have had a few minutes devoted to what Oppenheimer was up to.

Isn’t being mad at a reality tv person for relationship drama with other reality tv people like getting mad at Andre the Giant for betraying Hulk Hogan?

He said “rabidly”, which I think is an important qualifier. You can be personally against circumcision, not want it for your kids, whatever when you start interrupting concerts with anti-circumcision protests or commenting a dozen times on a pop culture article about how the practice MUST be ended…it goes from zero to

Nope she absolutely dominates them.

While there is a small but common medical reason to perform circumcision, it’s not necessary with attentive hygiene.

In her defense those vaccines did kill everyone who got them after taking them and now its just the unvaccinated ruling the planet.