GalvaTron Guy

The ending actually is that they are Highlanders and it slips seamlessly into Highlander IV.

I’m okay with ambiguity sometimes, sometimes I just want a movie/TV to have definitive answers, I suppose it depends on the media and what it makes me feel throughout, or just my general mood going in.

Maybe you need to look up what the scope of a biopic is supposed to cover.

This whole fucking topic is an exercise in whataboutism, so why not?

Tits website along with AV Club is an absolute shell of what it was, anyone else who doesn't see that is a complete herb.

Yeah, me thinks this is due to Netflix’s own inexplicable push for this show. After every single movie or whatever, the “you might like...” ALWAYS has Suits. “Hey you just watched a horror movie, here’s two other horror movies and SUITS!” It’s fucking dumb.

“I DON'T CARE THAT IT'S NOT MEDICALLY IMPOSSIBLE, JUST GET THAT FETUS OUTTA ME! I gotta craving for abortion doc, you just don't get it! Now hurry up I gotta dye my hair for the eighth time today!"

I actually think Ben Garrison's political cartoons do classify as art because they're so fucking insane that they perfectly parody themselves, like 100 years after he's gone and the context of "oh no wait, he's actually serious" has been removed, they will be used as examples of perfect parody when teaching students

I represent a Country Music Recording Label, and I would like to sign you to a contract, purely based off your speculative lyrics right here!

Right? You can't be off the grid and posting videos to YouTube.

It’s troubling, even if they do see that their side is now just [more] filled with complete fraudsters and batshit insane people, they can’t bring themselves to vote for a person with a (D) by their name, even if that person espouses what would have been your average Republican position 20 years ago. There’s a severe

Along the same lines, the MST3K/RiffTrax folks mercilessly mocking the South anytime a movie is set there, or a character is a hillbilly is always good.

Nah, I’m with OP, a decision that won’t affect this theoretical Congo child laborer in any fashion is bad because... uh... it doesn’t rectify that situation. I mean they would totally stop cobalt mining if this court decision went the other way and that laborer is now free! It's all hinging on this decision!

Unfortunately more and more corporations have policies now to say nothing to other employers about former/soon-to-be former employees other than the dates of employment. It’s a nice, wonderful way for them to continue to fuck over the working class by giving them literally nothing in exchange for their services. You

This is my takeaway. Who has $100k/$210k just laying around to throw at collectibles as an investment?

At this point in Late Stage Capitalism it’s just the absurdly wealthy trading money back and forth with each other for no reason while the huddle masses starve to death due to the shit ass policies that allow the rich to hold onto the money to trade with one another in a fashion that doesn’t actually benefit society

Whoa, whoa this sounds amazing

I mean you could do something addressing this if the two species had arrived or been introduced to Earth in exactly the same context as one another, but a comparison between the two isn’t really able to be done as the Skrulls arrived in secret on Earth, and they didn’t have an Avenger member as an advocate for their

This is also an insane metric to grade something that’s supposed to be reviewed based on the merits of what a television show or movie is.

Maybe Rhodey has always been a Skrull! They'll reveal that the Rhodey in the pod is also a Skrull! And then they'll find another Rhodes and he'll be a Skrull too! It's Skrulls all the way down!