GalvaTron Guy

I do think it’s a bit over the top as allowing a film to be shown is not tacit endorsement of everything in the film, or what it portrays, much less a random image in a film, but why, why would they even show this on the map? The map in question is random nonsense, but they added this maritime border that no other map

I was about to make the same point, the folks who used to be obsessed that the commies would come get us and must be stopped no matter the cost, are now perfectly fine with a despot trying to relive the glory days of the Soviet Republic and think it’s a great role model for America. But hypocrisy seems to be their

It’s like someone fully heard and comprehended the “an idiot says what” joke people do sometimes, paused and then said “what.”

Makes way more sense honestly, he had beautiful red locks of hair.

No, no, in the end he’s about to reveal himself to be Superman only for her to say “yeah, I know” and pull off her skin mask to reveal she’s been Marlon Brando the entire time.

I’m surprised it's even available on Max, and that Max hasn't cancelled all accounts and forced them to another app, and to use a completely different payment method involving seashells.

NASA has a vested interest in trying to use lightweight materials in submersibles if they plan to explore some of the oceans of the moons in our solar system. Launching reinforced steel into space is a lot harder than carbon fiber.

It is indeed baffling that we are only focused on this story as opposed to the other, tragic shipwreck in the Mediterranean. If only there was a media outlet who could choose what they publish, maybe they could write some stories about that particular story and give it some more attention, alas that's an impossibility.


Not for nothing but I would watch those movies just because they would be hilarious in a macabre way, but yeah this is just "those people" saying nonsense as is their SOP

People are unsympathetic assholes. Like I’m totally behind the sentiment of “to the guillotines” with the billionaires, but I just want their money redistributed, not their body parts unless they are also directly violent psychopaths themselves. Turn them into the blue collar workers they themselves apparently have no

It’s almost like there should be some sort of control check for being able to have power well into the years that any sane fucking person would be enjoying retirement, especially if it's been available for well over multiple decades.

I doubt most people could do most things with a gun pointed to their head other than panic. Even experts in fields, having a gun to your head isn't exactly conducive to success.

Whoa a reasonable take about this subject, wild. I was unsure people actually understood that the term "yacht" here was being used to describe like, the boat of some middle-class folks enjoying leisure time. Truly the enemies of the proletariat.

No— but like I trust Sony to finish a story, I’ve watched one too many Netflix series that get cancelled after ending a season on a cliffhanger. I need to know they’ll actually finish the damn series/story at this point and they are completely mum on their announcements until way too late, so I just start watching and

This is actually not a bad strategy regarding Netflix shows, honestly.

These people are absolute dipshits. Nothing says democracy and patriotism like a military coup overriding the will of the people, right? Fucking morons all of them.

Remember when parents used to say that you couldn't get a career playing video games and you needed to study? What the fuck happened, man, I was born too soon!

“You seem like a very nice, innocent girl, with skin as pure as fresh snow, with glistening wheat blonde hair and the voice of a heaven touched angel, but... what was I railing against here again?”

That’s right! British actors! Always the British! Wake up sheeple!