
I laughed so hard at this that I just contented my pants.

I want to say that I enjoy a Special Release after 4 Hands, but I feel that would send the wrong message to the kids.

Mozeliak is the Cardinal GM. He should have hacked into the HR files of Fowler’s previous employers before signing him. That Cardinal Front Office 101.

True. Unless you’re the GM. That ain’t quite as OK.

Nailed it. Nice work.

“...with the willing and very expensive assistance of Perkins Coie, a Washington, DC-based dirty tricks law firm....”

I don’t know why this, of all the comments on here, made me laugh so hard, but it did.

Just hoping it didn’t land in the crueller tray.

“I meant what I said when I said ‘excrement.’”

Hm. A clear-cut case of statue-story rape. Guilty.

At least you can rest easy knowing that, each year, your team’s WYTS will appear at or near the beginning of the series.

I forget. Was the Icky Shuffle a celebration dance? Or Cincy’s version of a Cleveland Steamer?

According to the United Network for Organ Sharing, there are about three times as many people on organ transplant waiting lists as there are annual organ donations, meaning the expected wait time for a transplant would be about 3 years. But, because a lot of those people die before then, the actual waiting time for a

I’m pretty sure that the Voronai Tessellations were one of the prior forms taken by Gozer the Destructor in the original Ghostbusters.

“I am Enzo...Enzo the Baker. I make-a the cake for you. Or, more precisely, I make-a the cake on you.”


Long after our civilization crumbles and our species vanishes from the Earth, your genius will endure.

i’m mountain a protest!!


Hm. What ever happened to that ball? Wonder if it's getting pumped regularly wherever it is.