WTF are you talking about? Native American displacement, African slavery, Japanese internment, are all taught in every elementary school. The number of people that go to school in the US and aren’t taught about these things is staggeringly small.
WTF are you talking about? Native American displacement, African slavery, Japanese internment, are all taught in every elementary school. The number of people that go to school in the US and aren’t taught about these things is staggeringly small.
Dude if you’re saying we haven’t killed 6 million innocent people in our country you are flat out wrong about that. If you think that biological warfare and slavery and war is somehow less terrible than the Holocaust, you are also wrong about that. It’s not an apples to apples comparison but whatever your point is…
Genocide is genocide. You shouldn’t start comparing which one was less evil. By saying: “our genocide was not as evil as their genocide” you are starting to make it look like its not that bad. Like Nazi Germany was the only evil government ever and the US was the nice guys. Thats just to simple. Killing millions of…
When I was in school they NEVER talked about Small pox or Boming Japan. It was a highlight on the side of the page.
Right? I remember thinking “That’s it? They just gave us their land? Just here you go? All willy nilly”? Do they really think we are that insanely naive or stupid?
If Andrew Jackson had had access to Zyklon B he damned sure would have used it.
I’m confused - are you saying that the US didn’t kill a bunch of Native Americans, racial minorities (namely black people/slaves) and other innocents in other countries throughout our history of warfare? Is that what you are saying??
Unwise wording of mine: that many innocent people.
General history books give a few sentences to the Trail of Tears and that slavery is bad. But we never think critically about it. We never try to make amends.
US never did kill innocent people
It’s “taught” but it’s not.
Umm. Maybe read the whole comment. The point being we don’t critically think about the bad things. They’re mentioned but never truly evaluated to understand why they happened.
IKR! you made a great point! Like at least WE SAW at the time what we had done. But like I remember saying that day in class. We TESTED it! We knew what it could do. Could they not have dropped it on one of those inhabited islands we where fighting over? Dropped it in the ocean to let them SEE what hell awaited them…
I agree with you 100% I remember in that class same day about boming Japan twice.
As a great man once said… “Be excellent to each other.”
Being a white man in the south who cares for Native Americans and equal rights for men,women,gays.straights,super gays,super straights,trans,super not trans,confusers,furries? (I think that’s all) OF ALL COLORS is very very draining and disheartening.
That’s because we’re taught that America is great and has never done anything bad. Ever. At all. Name one thing, I dare you!
Motherfucker, that’s way higher than 345. That’s like 1 or 2.
America was built on this shit and lies and cover ups.