Gale Snoats

Another strawman. The thing about republicans that is just so downright fucking disgusting is the lack of balls to just say what they mean: fuck the poor - fuck non whites the most - but fuck the poor overall. “Lets get rid of government waste” is the refrain of the asshole who wants to cut food stamps, welfare

I’d like to introduce you to 65 years of 20th and 21st century economic history. TL/DR: supply-side economics have been an abject failure and saw none of the gains made through a Keynesian-regulated economy.

Did you really call that comedy? A comedian would fuck you up for that.

The thing about shut-in cunts like you is, you’re convinced that snark and apathy are positive traits that will make people think you’re smart and cool. Except, you’re way too dumb and...apathetic to put the work in to deploy these tactics effectively. So, as it stands, you just sound like some stupid little twat,

Joe Manchin is about as much a democrat as Joe fucking Lieberman. He took the path of least resistance to office and would change it to an R tomorrow and a D the next day if it meant staying in office and further enriching he and his horde

Its because you’re an irretrievable republican twat. Your economic policy has resulted in the greatest inequality since the Gilded Age and your social policy is on some 19th century christianity/white man fuckery. Your politics are indefensible. And what would be a much more succinct way of stating all this? “Fuck

Yes, you apathetic cunt

This just in: assholes who accept this sort of behavior as “comes with the territory” are every bit as big a problem as the CEO. Apathy is for douchebags - doesn’t make you look smart, snarky, or funny. Just stupid.

Also, one that shows up when you call it. With taxi’s you call 3-4 and hope one shows up

This is the biggest point lost in all these discussions of Uber/Lyft/whatthehellever: there was an established industry already in place, with a 100+ year history, so shitty, that people will choose a service employing rapists, thieves, and murderers.

I’m not sure how that’s relevant to the topic at hand

The fallacy in your logic is: South Carolina. And Mississippi. And Arkansas. And Missouri. And New York. And New Jersey.

You’re talking about Bulgaria. You should visit, then come back and give us a rundown of free market successes

No internet for you homie. Unless you’ve got some water-powered server rigged up in a Unibomber shack. Even then you’re benefiting from government investment

Then opt out of society. Don’t use roads, don’t call the cops, don’t even think about sending any kids to school. Pay to play

Asking an American to give up a revenue stream is like asking them to give you their right arm.

1) Taxes pay for services. Fuck you. 2) Smaller government is a concept with no real meaning. What it actually means is you don’t want to pay to support programs you don’t believe in, which in typical piece-of-shit republican parlance is any and all social programs. You live in a society asshole. You benefit from that

I’ve been asking the more milquetoast, namby-pamby millenial leftists so interested in compromise (along with the Hil-bot republican-lite crowd) just which of their ideals they’re willing to compromise. Women’s rights? Gun control? A fair judiciary?

Don’t overlook that Ossof isn’t exactly a lefty. He appealled to that group with shit like guns and saying fuck no to single-payer

There are two reasons why people choose republicanism: you are actually a racist, misogynist, xenophobe (christian) asshole or you have a piss-poor understanding of economics. Period.