Gale Snoats

Speak for yourself. Drawing erroneous conclusions from a set of information doesn’t equate to intelligence.

Moral victories equate to the GOP controlling both houses. The DNC is either going to adopt leftist policies, state them plainly and run candidates that actually believe in the platform, or moral victories and “guys, we’re up to 47% -we’re almost there!” is all we’re ever going to get

Black female turnout is just fine - for now.

1) Tyler Perry 2) NC GOP ended tax breaks for movie and tv production, so a good chunk moved to Atlanta.

Newt Gengrich and Karen Handel are who that district is: nasty, inbred, white, evangelical trash

chocalatechipcookies is pretty indicative of your modern democratic voter. Perhaps you should ask it why its so naive and uninformed about the world - might make the party some headway

So this is your first time encountering the fucking state of Georgia? You really have no concept of the differing cultures of the fucking modern United States?

The racial dynamics ultimately did little in SA towards change - certainly did in Rhodesia though. But both suffered most from sanctions and economic isolation. Possible trade partners for a 4th Reich/New Confederacy would be Myanmar, North Korea, Bulgaria, and Chechnya

Also this: “but to me...”. You horrible twat

“Honestly, don’t even try for one second to talk to me about libertarianism. After the idiotic statements and assumptions you’ve made it’s become clear that you wouldn’t know a libertarian ideal if it crawled up your ass.”

Yeah, stopped car in the middle of the highway isn’t a problem at all.

“accused domestic abuser”

You’ll have to forgive me, since I’m not subscribed to your personal blog, and in general am not a fan of your particular brand of republican assholery, so I’m not really privy to whatever bullshit you’re spouting off to other folks. I’m only concerned with the horseshit you’re trying to peddle to me personally (thats

I really just don’t understand your view of the world. You want your hand held to the extent that “you’re required to keep your hands on the wheel” doesn’t go far enough.

“But guys, he’s got a LOT of money!”

Exactly, that “we go high” bullshit results in GOP domination in all three wings of government

You’re assuming the current crop has any meaningful legislation to offer up. Bernie was transformational because he had the balls to say: “your shit hasn’t worked, doubling down on it certainly won’t work, here’s an alternative that might. Can’t hurt to try”. The DNC is too spineless for this. They’re no different in

Tesla gave him a product and said “here, operate it like this” which the driver promptly ignored and did the exact opposite.

If you look at the history of the SCOTUS, its overwhelmingly a net negative. For every Roe vs Wade, there are two Plessy v Fergusons. The way we lionize these folks in modern times is directly in contrast to the reality of their efficacy

How about an age cutoff? How many 70-80 year olds do you know that make sound decisions?