Ah-ha, but the beer list is the work of former Deadspin booze blogger Will Gordon! So I remain unblemished.
Ah-ha, but the beer list is the work of former Deadspin booze blogger Will Gordon! So I remain unblemished.
I saw that same thing happen, and then the cop proceeded to pull into the Tim Horton’s on the corner. I’ve never had their donuts before, but they must be pretty damn good.
Probably not, since it’s a Pontiac G6.
Somehow, someway, an internet commenter will find a way to blame the Camry driver....
As long as the cop said he was afraid then it’s A-OK.
I genuinely don’t understand how people (not in an area where cabs can be flagged) traveled by cab. I only had to deal with it in college and is was always call 555-5555, call 444-4444, call 666-6666 and hope one of them showed up. Usually none did.
“The house...It’s gorgeous. Hinkie has nice taste.”
“Thankfully everyone involved received only minor injuries.”
The berry is as big as my palm.
you cant run a government on “lower taxes” and smaller doesn’t mean better, less regulation means more loopholes for the bigger guys to bend the little guy right over. GOP philosophy doesnt work, and they need to stop forcing it on us.
I mean, that’s not really an answer to the argument presented here. I don’t think he’s saying that a person couldn’t hold a packaged set of views that are both consistent and not really represented by the total platforms of either party. What he’s saying is that for any particular position, presumably there is a…
The right, center, and left are so far to the right of where they traditionally were that there is no home for true liberals—or true centrists, for that matter. The Republican and Democratic parties in this country are now the parties extremist, know-nothing, white supremacists and feckless, do-nothing, center-right…
I agree with medrawt, what you said is just that you are a moderate (or social liberal/fiscal conservative or whatever). Nothing you said indicates that you are more for bipartisanship than anyone else, just that you agree with different people on different issues.
The idea that the party that is anti-choice and anti-marriage equality is for lower taxes and smaller government falls apart when you face the reality that they only lower taxes for the rich and allow government to interfere in people’s personal lives while shirking the governmental responsibility to protect their…
EVERYONE wants lower taxes and smaller government. It’s a matter of what you think your tax dollars should be spent on. The “centrists” tend to believe that the poor are dragging the economy down, that government is “too big.” Yet, when you look at how federal dollars are actually allocated, a different picture…
“There is nothing wrong with wanting, say, pro-choice rights for women, marriage equality, AND lower taxes and smaller government.”
What are you describing is not bipartisanship. You are describing separate partisan positions.
Jesus, libertarians like you are going to get us all killed. Go ahead and keep not voting Democrat because Socialism!, and watch the Trumpists create a one-party state because the left couldn’t unify to resist it.