
Someone has to. I’m definitely a fan of reading alternative viewpoints - I try to check in with the National Review and other mainstream conservative intellectual outlets to avoid staying in my own bubble - but Breitbart is a special kind of bad. We should be aware of what they are talking about. It looks like

It would be handy to get TL;DRs of these articles so that we don’t have to click on the links and give them traffic but can still know what’s up. Does Media Matters do that for Breitbart?

The problem with that is it is just an absurd new definition of lame duck. A lame duck has always been an elected official whose successor has been elected. Period. Full stop. End of story. This new definition that Obama was a lame duck in March of 2016, a full eight months before the election, is not logical and

As someone who hates talking on the phone, here’s a quick and easy script that gets you in and out with as little awkwardness as possible:
“Hi, my name is X and I am a registered voter in your district/state. I am calling to register my opinion in favor of/opposed to Y.” Whoever answers marks a tally under the

You raise an excellent point. We think of retail workers as basically disposable, but the difference between a dedicated, knowledgeable, motivated worker and someone who is treated as disposable can be the difference between the store hitting its monthly/quarterly/annual numbers or not. It’s kind of become a chicken

I actually pretty much stopped using self-checkout lines after watching Robert Reich’s documentary Inequality for All. During a visit to “coal country” in Pennsylvania, I noticed the local supermarket chain did not have any self-checkout lines, unlike its counterparts in other parts of the state. That’s a part of

The Senate is split 50-50. Clinton and Ryan are discussing paid family leave and there’s an expectation that Clinton will soon re-nominate Merrick Garland for SCOTUS. Everyone is wondering if Clinton and Ryan will strike a grand bargain on the budget. There is talk of a tour through the Rust Belt and coal country,

Also, be sure to call your electric/gas utility and your state Representative to inquire about energy efficiency rebates that may be available.

To an extent, but if your well gets poisoned or your grandmother gets scammed or your insurance company tries to bill you 10 months after a procedure, claiming you owe them money that they originally were supposed to cover, it’s certainly nice to be able to call up your local EPA/Attorney General’s Bureau of Consumer

That’s part of how they won in 2006. The independent ethics thing came around in 2008 in response to Republican corruption: all the Jack Abramoff/K Street stuff. That’s why the congressional Rs had such a hard-on for gutting it.

That’s sort of a backwards argument, though. If your business model requires you to pay less than living wages, is it a good business model? When labor is a marginal cost, where increasing wages would result in only slight increases in pricing - certainly not enough to price out anyone - and where increasing wages


Pence is not worse than Trump. He may be a far-right theocrat, but at least he’s more or less stable and doesn’t go off half-cocked on Twitter, sending markets into a furor and upending decades of diplomatic policy with the potential to set off armed conflict or devastate the economy. If we are being intellectually

has no compunction about putting boots on the ground (see Iraq War).


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Your comment reminded me of one of my favorite short videos:

That was ultimately why I chose the Moto G4 Plus as an upgrade for my 2013 Moto X: I wanted Display and the gestures to open the camera, etc. I would’ve preferred a smaller form factor, a la the phone I had, but I also wasn’t willing to lay out the scratch for a new Moto X. It was a good compromise, and I am happy

That was ultimately why I chose the Moto G4 Plus as an upgrade for my 2013 Moto X: I wanted Display and the gestures

I hate to break it to you but 90% of the DNC is like him.